Monday, March 01, 2010

A whole lots of rappin' up for January and February

Thanks, everybody! I've now successfully had 100 people look at my blog! I really really enjoy my blog, and I'm totally going to continue it!

Maid for a week is what you can call me if you want! I'm on FULL KITCHEN DUTY for a whole week and a day. . .=S We'll see how that goes, right? =D Actually, this is my first night, and it went very well. I made a pasta- Macaroni noodles, with two cream of mushroom soup cans, and some other stuff, like chicken and bread crums. It was really good! I made about double amount - - - oops! So I froze it and we can have it some other rainy day. Anway, I also made this TOTALLY yummy cake - okay. Okay. Calm down. So take a normal White cake mix with sprinkles, and put about a cup and a half or two cups of frozen or fresh (better is frozen) raspberries in it, and mix. (Make the normal cake mix... as normal.) Put it in the oven for the time set and six extra minutes. Yum yum!

I am also free to say that we are driving to Arizona campmeeting! Horray! I'm so excited! A friend of our, Heather, is riding with us, and another family might come with us. We are sooo excited! Hey - join the wagon train. Come along with us if you want to!!! SERIOUSLY!!! Call my mom - Kathy - or me, Emily, or email me at if you want more info. Campmeeting is just another name for 'church camp', but its not really a church camp, its more of a campmeeting. =D See, we have as many people as possible from other Church of God congregations come, and all the pastors of those church preach at a week long (or half-week long) meeting. It's like an old tent revival in the olden days! (It's not, however, like the penecostals do it.) The dates are March 16th through the 21st. We are leaving the 13th and leaving from there the 20th. Oh yeah - bring on the preaching!!!

That warm, fuzzy feeling... You know the one. It's like wood heat - or camping - or laying out under the stars with your best friend on a warm summer night - or a puppy's breath - or love. That's how I feel right now. I don't know why. I feel like I could touch the moon and kiss the sky, or hug the clouds and fly through air. *Sigh*. What a wonderful feeling.

lol... so we were at the dinner table tonight enjoying my totally scrumpoius meal, when dad randomly goes, (Okay Okay - you have to read this right. So get this fat, dumb charactor in your mind, and read slowly and kind of stupidly.) "I will love him and I will hug him and I will call him George."  TOTALLY RANDOMLY!!! It was really funny.