Saturday, February 27, 2010

Youth Meeting

Goodness gracious, I had a wonderful time at... well, my house last night.
We had Brett, Christopher, Micah, Matthew, Matthew, (and...) Matthew, Mandy, Michelle, (me!!), Richard, Lori, Barbara & her husband, Peppy's parents (kind of sad I don't know their first names), Kathy, Rocky, and Isaac, Ross, Sheila, Kellie (I finally got it right!), Ellen, Lilly, Clara, Tilda, and I think that's all... over last night from 6 till 1 am.!!!
I had tons of fun, I think it was the best one yet! Actually, I take that back, because four people were missing. Alex, Pam, Mike, and Tasha.
But we still had a lot of fun. And Brett even drank a suspicious white liquid and didn't dissapear! That's probably because he had his short little septor (with a cord) close by. Oh, but I forgot, he isn't a king, just a really smart - oh. Sorry. You have absolutely no idea what I am talking about.
Haha! Maybe you do!

Okay, sorry. So we played pictionary, the Noridahoscholer* way. Well, gotta go. But not before...
One word (or phrase) I think of when I think of them...
Alex - Veggie Tales!
Aubrey - "Some of my projects include goals like revolutionizing online commerce, catalyzing digital information dissemination, and providing the world with tools to make computers more friendly, productive, and useful."
Barbara - pleasant
Barbara's husband - kind
Brett - contagious laugh!
Christopher - instrumental
Clara - what do you have in your mouth!!!?
Ellen - always laughing (Ellen: that's a good thing by the way)
Isaac - interesting
Kathy - homemade bread
Kellie - scotland
Lilly - talkative
Lori - my blessed pastor's wife
Mandy - Jazira!!
Matthew C - sturdy
Matthew A - dirtbikes!
Matthew H - respectful
Micah - john deer!
Michelle - sweet
Mike - (I don't really know Mike... =))
Pam - a lot of endurance
Peppy's father - (I don't really know Mr. A)
Peppy's mother - how will that shall turn out i wonder?
Richard - humble, willing
Rocky - my daddy
Ross - honest
Sheila - little house on the prairie
Tasha - best friend
Tilda - cute!

*North Idaho Home Schooler Way

Bye now.
Bye for now.
For now, bye.