Thursday, March 04, 2010

I had a dream last night...

This post was intended for male and female humans about the age of fourteen or older. Please discontinue reading if you are younger, or consult poison control immediately.

True Story

Note: my cousin and my best friend's names have been changed for privacy. All other names are left as they were, true to character, in my dream.

Me, my cousin Kyle, and my best friend, Eden, were walking down the road, when we saw a McDonald's restaurant and decided to cross the highway and get some milkshakes. It was night, probably 10pm, when it happened.
I started to cross the street, when Kyle called out, "WAIT! Em! There's a car coming! Step back!" I turned to look for it, and was hit by a honking Subaru.
The impact was horrible, the bumper capsizing my legs, and throwing me, screaming, into the windshield. I didn't have time to block my face or try and stop myself. The glass erupted, and hundreds - thousands - of chars of glass ripped at my skin. I screamed louder, and my head was struck by something. I groaned, seeing whiteness, but not blacking out yet. The car finally got stopped, and I looked at it, groaning. The face belonging to the man who was inside the car was blocked by an inflated air bag, now loosing the air that saved his life.
Kyle ran to me, and Eden ran to the man, "Are you okay, sir?" She asked. He was crying uncontrollably, and gasping for air, "I ... I think so. My nose is killing me, but that's all that hurts."
Suddenly, another pair of headlights came into view. Kyle yelled to Eden, "Get out of the way!" She jumped back, but it was too late for Kyle to drag me out of the way. The truck ran over my ankles, crushing them, the tires squealing, and headed for the Subaru. It flattened it, and swerved in a complete 360 to finally get stopped. The driver was a teenage boy, his eyes nearly popping out of his head. Eden sat up from the ditch, apparently she had dove into it to save her skin.
I was loosing touch - I could feel it. I grabbed the arm of Kyle's shirt, and managed, "Kyle," he bent to his knees and looked at me, but was far away in a different world, "I can't believe this is happening to me." He was distracted! Couldn't he see I was passing? I tried to squeeze his arm, but all I could do was groan. He looked at me, and pulled out his cell phone, dialing three numbers and holding it up to his ear.
After a minutes or two, he explained, "That was the police. We're going to get you to a hospital." While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the teen boy, who's name was Josh, knelt down beside me and starting sobbing, "I'm so sorry - I'm so sorry - I'm so sorry," while Eden walked up and put an arm around him, joining the little circle around me. Although I knew I should be feeling pain, I couldn't comprehend enough at the moment for my brain to realize that I needed to be hurting.
An ambulance finally drove up, it's siren squealing, along with two police cars, and a fire truck, all with the same sounds. The fire men ran to the man in the Subaru, now probably not alive, and started digging him out. The police started talking to Josh and writing things down on a notepad clipboard, and one EMT guy ran to me, the other in the truck. I was spitting up blood now, and it hurt to breathe. Kyle got right in my face, "Em - stay with me." Everything started going blurry, and I gravitated down to the pavement. The EMT guy pried me out of Kyle's grasp, strapping me to a stretcher, and pushing me inside the Ambulance. I was scared.
Kyle yelled at them, "HEY! Can I come?" The two EMTs looked at each other and then the one the was hooking things up in the truck said, "Stay out of the way, stay by the back of the truck." The other EMT with dark brown hair and blisteringly green eyes agreed, "And help if asked." Kyle hopped in, and Eden hitched a ride with one police car, and the two vehicles started toward (the hospital).
All of the sudden, I started to feel horrible pain. I hadn't noticed it before, but now it was killing me. I cried out in pain, tried to look at Kyle, and then I sank back, and blanked out.
The dark-haired-green-eyed EMT glanced at Kyle with a twinge of concern written on his face. Even his glistening green eyes were doubtful. He set his jaw, gathering useful tools. After checking for a heartbeat, he yelled to, "Bill," his partner, "Not breathing!"
Bill started to gather a machine and hook some things up to various walls, strings hanging here and there. Then the man with green eyes checked my pulse once more, and said, "Get the machine ready."
Bill started up a small computer.
Kyle waited, his heart pounding.
Bill nodded at the man with green eyes, "Jason, it's ready."
"Great." Jason nodded back.
'Jason' put his arm around my neck and pushed me to a sitting position. He then ordered Kyle, "Support her." Kyle stepped in, holding my dead weight up. Jason ripped loose my dress, laid me back down, and attached two strange looking things to my heart area.
It made my arch my stomach, and I gulped air in, coming back. Jason smiled, "We got her!" He was jumpy. Then, I cocked my head, and fell away again. I could hear a faint, "Uh, we lost her! Get it ready again."
       I started to see a tunnel... with a light at the end. I had to reach that light. But something wouldn't let me!
Jason was leaning over me, screaming in my face, "Emily! Stay with me! Stay with me!" Bill handed him two odd looking round things with chords attached, "STAND BACK!" They said in unison to no one in particular, as if a ritual, and my body bolted with energy from being shocked.
       Something was pulling me! I tried to reach out and grab the light.
"She's trying to come to! She's pulling at the air!" Exclaimed Jason.
       I didn't want to go back! I had to stay!
"Here she comes! Here she comes..." Jason was intent on keeping me alive this time, and he immediately started talking to me, "Hey! My name's Jason. What's yours?" Jason knew my name, he was just trying to get me to talk because I was so out of it, "Emily." I muttered, trying to get back to the light.
"Emily," Kyle jumped in, "Please! Stay with us." Kyle grabbed my arm like he was just about to arm wrestle with me, "Emily. God put you on this earth for a reason. Stay with us." I looked into his deep brown eyes, trying to find a reason to live now that I've found the light, "Please." He said once more. I relaxed, breathing hard. (Anyone would after just being shocked.)
I kept my heartbeat up, but inside I felt like going back to the light. I started crying, the pain was too much for me to handle. Jason whispered, "It's okay - it's going to be okay."

Then I woke up, and saw a light in my dresser. (Directly in front of my bed.) My heart started beating really loudly, I could hear it like a hammer in my ears, and then I heard nothing. No heart beat.
"Oh God!" I thought, "Not yet, please not yet!"

Then I woke up, and took a huge gulp of air, my forehead slightly wet, and my back sticking to my favorite baggy t-shirt I sleep in. A dream within a dream. All I know now, is that God has a plan for my life. I don't know what it is, but He has a will.
