Monday, March 29, 2010

Come and get me!

We don't ask the devil to 'come and get us'. We don't try him. In fact, we'd like it best if he would just leave us alone. Right?
I'm sorry - that's not how the devil works. The devil (please, I'm not trying to give him glory, but tis true) is a very inventive and highly intelligible being. He can make you think that you're not good enough to serve God simply because you're finger nails are too short.
But we serve a God that's much bigger than the devil. By just announcing Jesus Christ's name, the devil flees. We ought not to invite the devil in so we can fight him off. Doing this only endangers us, because he will use it later against us to try and proove that we wanted him in our life.
The devil is real, folks, and we're not fighting against a ghost. We're fighting spirits. We cannot use modern-day warfare to kill him. We use God's holy Word.

To invite the devil into our lives is like inviting a terrorist into your home - you just don't do it. You don't even think about it. In fact, you stay as far away as possible from it. Terrorists want to kill. The devil wants your soul, which, if he succeeded, would end in you dying spiritually. So what's the difference?
There is none. Stay away from the devil. Rebuke him every chance you get.

James 4:7 says to, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
