Thursday, March 04, 2010

Delta Don... what's that flower you have on?

Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
Or did I hear you say, you'd be coming by today...
Ah! Not knowing the rest of that song is going to kill me! Thus, life prevails, my heartbeat continues, and I suffer on.

    Some thing I've been thinking about:

What I want in a man...
1. First and foremost, I want him to be saved & sanctified and completely committed to God no matter what.
2. Second, I want him to be strong. Not strong as in body, although that would be nice, but strong in mind spirit, education, and principles.
3. Honest. It is very important that 'my guy' is completely forward with me.
4. He has to have a good sense of humor. If he can't make me laugh - what will?
5. A relatively good job. (Pay, benefits, etc.) I'm not asking for a $120 dollar-an-hour paying job. I'm asking for a man that is willing to do what it takes to provide for my family.
6. It would be nice if he was not accustomed to, whenever he's bored, sitting at the computer.
7. He has to like Idaho, because I'm not moving. >=oP
8. He has to want lots of children, and then some.
9. He has to be okay with me homeschooling the kids.
10. Patient.
11. Respectful.
12. Happy & joyful.
13. Generous with time, work efforts, and kind words.
14. Doesn't care what I look like.
15. Is loyal to the end.
 I just want my courtship correspondent to have a good heart, I don't care what he looks like, how tan his skin is, how many blemishes he has on his face or the scar on his back. I'm not looking for that. I am, however, looking for what his heart looks like, how much spiritual food he's getting, and if he has any battle scars that he's conquered.

Till next time,