Thursday, March 25, 2010


What we did in Arizona~

Well, I am totally thrilled that we were able to go to Arizona. Although some of you out there probably thought I was being very sober, I ... well, I was. I was just pondering a few things and destracted by some others... =) But that doesn't mean I didn't have a wonderful time! =D I did!
I kind of got my days mingled, so we might have done this that day, or that this day. Forgive me.

Anyway, we drove to our neighbor's house and picked up Kellie, and then drove to Montana and picked up Heather, and then started our way south. We reached Salt Lake City at about 1 AM, and stopped for some hot fudge sundays =P, and then kept going 'till we got to Cameron in Arizona. We stopped there for the night, and then started for the Buckeye. We got to Buckeye around 9:30-10 AM and had brunch with our cousins, Ian, Dawn, David, Jeana, and Jeana's three blessed children. (Ianbuddy, David, Dawn, and Jeana are brother's and sisters.) After playing Blitz and spending practically the whole day there, we left and headed for Glendale, where we would eat dinner. Dinner was wonderul - we had talcos, and Sharron really knows how to make them - let me tell you! We played around and played ping-pong, and then left to go to Leeray's house. (We stayed with Leeray and Sherrie the whole time we were down there.) We got to their house late, and konked out in our rooms. The next morning I really don't remember what happened because I think I got it wrong - I think we got to Cameron, stayed the night, woke up and did something, and then we went to the Mark and Sharron's house, and then the next day we had brunch, and then...
Oh dear.
I have not a clue.
The point is, we had lots of things going, and I couldn't keep it straight. LOL.
Well, we had brunch with cousins, dinner with Mark, Sharron, their boys, Leeray, Sherrie & their family, and then we went to campmeeting somewhere in between all of that.
Oh, did I mention that we saw the grand canyon, zion national park, hiked white tanks, went to sonic, played Volleyball (or more like tried to play volley ball and got hit in the head and had a horrible headache... yeah...)
Well, I guess alls else there really is to say is that I had a wonderful time (alls else lol) and enjoyed the messages and preaching and lessons prayers and songs. (whew!)

My second most unfavoritest part was leaving....
Sharron gave me a sweet, long hug and I started crying... =,(
And then I turned around and my cousin, Ian, was standing there, so I burried myself in a hug from him...
Then I sniffled, stiffened, and left.
Okay, the point of this post?
AH! I had a wonderful time, and I'm totally going next year!!!
~Farmgirl Emily