Friday, March 12, 2010

This much fun shouldn't be allowed...

*Last name of visiting family may have been changed. LOL!!! I had so much fun with the Denrah family last night! My stomach hurt every three minutes, and my cheeks felt permanently glued to a smiling position! =) So the Denrah family came out and had dinner with us, and dad and Dan went to the shop to work on Mr. Denrah’s car, and mom and Mrs. Denrah sat in the living room and talked, and us kids (Matthew, Mandy, Brett, me, Michelle, and Isaac) played Blitz into the deep hours of the night. Ah, this much fun shouldn’t be allowed. =) With Brett cracking up at any and everything, and with his laugh being contagious, everyone (okay, I’ll speak for myself), I was laughing constantly! And not just ‘ha-ha’. Gut-wrenching gasps of laughter.
          Good times. Good times.
          So we played Blitz for around one hour, and then I popped my camera out, and we decided that we would record our funny disposition. We did. Well, sort of. We tried several different settings, and my camera looked too precarious to even think of leaving it there for a whole 80 minutes… so we tried other various places, and when I finally gave up, Brett snatched it out of my hands, and placed it on the wood cook stove overlooking the dining room. I have to say, it worked quite well except we couldn’t see Michelle very well, and Isaac’s head sometimes blocked the view of me or sometimes Brett. But anyway, I was going to make Brett pay for my camera, because I counted it already dead… but it’s fine! What a wonder!
          =) Michelle and I won the first few games, then Mandy and Brett won the next few games, and then the grand finale was Isaac and Matthew. Isaac smirked and yelled, “Blitz!” Funny thing is, everyone stopped and at the exact same time yelled, “WHAT?” It was hilarious.
          And then, since I was sitting beside of Brett, he got a huge kick out of me trying to stay in my own bubble. Meaning? Every time he tried to show me something, got in my face, kidded me, or anything, I would lean back, away from him. Because of this, he would guffaw, and that, of course, made everyone else laugh also.
          Oh, I almost forgot…
          …and then we were waiting for scores, and Brett looked at me.
          Yup, that’s all. He looked at me.
          So I stared at him.
          We’re really bad stare-ers, because it only lasted but a few moments, but it was very daring while it lasted. =D And then, he stated, “Oh … I scare me.” I laughed so hard. I don’t even know why it was funny now. =)
          Mandy and him do really well together as a team, because Mandy’s the ‘git ‘er done’ type, and Brett’s more the ‘goof off’ type. Together, they make a great team.
          I just keep thinking… I have the awesomest friends. Really! I’m so thankful for cool friends, it’s really cool how God has blessed me.

I wish I knew how to put the whole video on here...