Saturday, November 14, 2009

SONG - I Can Trust Jesus

Listen here!

Vs 1   God picked up a sparrow that could no longer fly

He-brushed off its wounds and-then watched it soar into the-sky…

If-He’s mindful of creation on-this I can de-pend…

I am His child

And-I can place all my trust in Him

Cho   I can trust Jesus

I can trust Jesus

He never once…

Has        failed to meet my needs

He is my strong tower

The strength in my weakest hour

I can trust Jesus

He takes care of me

Vs 2   I have prayed some prayers

          And-felt they never were-heard

          But-I held to God’s hand

          And kept right on trusting in     His-word…

          My wants and God’s desires

          Don’t always agree

          But I lean on His will

For-He always knows what’s best for me

2nd Cho      I can trust Jesus

I can trust Jesus

He never once …has… failed to-meet my needs

He is my strong tower

The strength in my weakest hour

I can trust Jesus

He takes care of me


1st Chorus Again   He is my strong tower

The strength in my weakest hour

I can trust Jesus

He takes care of me   BOLD:R2x

1 comment:

  1. I loooove this song! Dad and Mandy and I sang it over fifteen times last night. It's very powerful!
