Thursday, November 19, 2009

STORY - Time to Vent

Everyone needs time to vent. Read my story below, how I deal with stress:

      The little things that bother me in life can sometimes cause me to want to scream. Well, that's not exactly Christian, so, instead of screaming, I came up with a way to spew my "anger." When something disruptive happens, I say, "I'm going to go vent." And I go outside. Yesterday I took a brisk jog to our pond, and contained myself there. I discovered though, if I'm still containing myself, it really isn't helping any. So, today, at the first thing that caught my lip and started to drag it, I put on my tennishoes and went for a walk. After chatting for about fifteen minutes to (no-one in particular, mostly the birds), I returned home to a peaceful house once again. Later that day, something made me really angry, so I left the house in such a whirl, that I "accidentally on purpose" left my shoes. Meaning: I didn't want to take the time to put my shoes on. Anyway, I jogged here and there, then squished my bare toes in some muuuuud, then went to the climbing rope. (Mind you, not the rope swing, or the swings, just the original rope-hanging-out-of-a-tree, to climb... straight up, not swing on. Anyway, after climbing up and down it a few times, my arms grew weary of that, so I contemplated on visiting one of my tree-houses. One is a tree house, and the other is a tree fort. the difference is, the latter is twenty feet high, and the first is more like fifteen. My, my, dear child. I do declare that I can get side tracked quite a lot. (Never mind.) All right, so where was I? Oh yes. After noticing there was no ladder to the tree house, and the only way of access was climbing up the tree fort, to get to the rope which hung from one tree fort to the other. Anyway, you could climb monkey-bar style across from one fort to the other, if you really wanted to. Because of my slightly less love-of-heights, I decided to ditch that idea completely. Upon thinking this all through, a twig whizzed past my right ear, nicking it ever-so-slightly. I ducked, and spun around, looking for the weapon-bearer. To my surprise, a dirty faced boy with a back pack on his back stood in front of me. But, not seeing me, picked up another twig and pressed on. His brother (I assume it was his brother, for they looked very much alike, both with dark hair and eyes, and tanned skin.) Anyway, his older brother creeped up behind him, also bearing a sword, and the battle was great. I retained my hidden place, and knelt perfectly still for more than fifteen minutes while they were engaged in a horrible war. Soon enough, the sister of the two hollered, "Hey, guys, you're leaving me out!" But the heat was on. Neither heard this damsel in distress, nor tried to save her. They were to busy trying to kill the other so one might have victory. As I took all this in, another two faces came into view. One, looking quite like the first three, and the other not at all --- with red hair, and freckles. The four engaged in a more terrible battle yet! Striking each other here and there, but none of them ever dying. Finally, after about thirty minutes or so, the dear maiden gave up, and left them to each other's doom. After realizing this most-important being was absent, the four knights left, three in one direction, and one in the opposite, and leaving me to assume, that they were all fighting for the Lady. I stood, but thanks to my sleepy foot, plummeted back upon the ground.
Oh! I thought. Why am I here?!? Looking around, I thought a while. And with no shoes!
Ah, yes. I was venting. But what made me so mad as to leave with out my shoes? And now....

What was I doing?

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