Thursday, November 19, 2009


BROWN: Your eyes have hints of mystery, sparkles of delight, and tints of chocolate with a touch of dew.
GREEN: Your eyes behold rich luscious emeralds, they represent a spring day with glistening trees, the branches soft, fresh and kind. 

BLUE: Blue eyes are like calm waters, slashing and dancing over grey rocks and overseeing the world.

I love green eyes... I don't know why. They always sent me flying. Once I saw this lady, with the most greenest (is that a word?) eyes EVER. Seriously. I was in Costco, and just walkin' around, and Oh my Word!!! I walked by this lady with red, curly hair, and BRIGHT grass-green eyes. (sigh...) I don't even know why, but I hope that my future husband has green eyes so I can just stare at his eyes...Anyway, I walked up to the lady and said, "I loooove your eyes! They are sooooo beautiful!" She laughed, and said, "Oh! Thankyou! That was very sweet." I even got a chance to see if they were contacts... *sigh* they were, but they were still awesome. =)

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