Sunday, November 29, 2009

THOUGHTS - What's Cookin'

  So... today's the last day and if I get all of November's schoolwork done this month, I can have all of December off. Is it going to happen?
  I'm currently reading a paragraph in my History, and writing a sentence on my blog. Yes, I think it'll work.
  Some things you might not know about me:
~I do not have a facebook
~I like chewing gum, even with braces
~one of my feet is larger than the other
~when I'm bored or nervous I bite my lip
~I love to cook
~I love three !!! points in a row
   So there. That's a few random things. Also, I work for a quaint little magazine company called, "The Little Encourager," and I'm the assistant first editor! (Actually, my family owns the buisness and we do it in our home, but hey, it's okay, it works. =P We have a lot of subscribers - it's cool, but a lot of work.) If you are interested, email . We do it mostly for teens and kids, but you can totally subscribe if you're older than that. We have lots of people that do. We write mostly just family stuff, quote, little stories and stuff like that. It's usually black-and-white, but sometimes we do the cover in color, or the picture page in color.
  I think I've covered quite a lot! (In History and for my blog!)
We'll see you later,

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