Thursday, November 19, 2009

STORY - The Girl in the Camera

  I was indian-cross-legged (sitting) on the floor of my living room, feeling helpless and alone. My father stood beside and to back of me. I fought back tears. There were boxes of my wife's things all around me. All bundled up and ready to go.
Away. Anywhere from here. Just not in my sight.
I snagged a picture of me and her off the wall to my right. She was so beautiful. She was so perfect. It isn't fair. My father, holding my camera, knelt down to show me a picture.
    "Look at this one," He pointed, "she looks like an angel."
I tried to smile, but it was so incredibly impossible, I instead let out a tear. "She is." I replied. He nodded his head, "You mean now?" he prodded the next button, moving on to the next picture. "Yeah." I answered.
    Suddenly, I found myself in a world of confusion. The sun was bright, the waves were crashing, I was not in my living room any longer. I looked around. Tom. Bradey. My friends. Trish. Kelly. Their wives. They were are alive and talking.
    Again, just as expeditious, I was in another divergent world... and this time with my cousin. On one side were he and I. On the flip-side, was ... my dad. He sat, looking confused. He was in my house. I was...
                                                                    in my camera.
    I remembered the scenes now. Oh yes: Tom, Trish, Bradey and Kelly were with me and my wife at our 10th wedding anniversary on the Oregon coast. The next was me and my cousin at my dad's house.
Then I remembered. There was a picture of me and my wife about fifteen down. I yelled to my dad.
    "Dad! DAD!!! Press the right button! Press the right button!"
He heard me. I flipped through picture after picture, almost loosing my balance. Then, I saw her. My wife. She was just as I remembered her. Beautiful. I waved to my dad.
    "Hold it! STOP!" He stopped pressing the buttons. He seemed to be asking me a question, but I just couldn't seem to hear him. I remembered a Sharpie pen I had in my jeans pocket to write on the packed boxes with. I pulled it out, and wrote on my hand,

                                                                  LEAVE ME!

    I saw him crying. I saw him nod. Then I heard him say, "I've lost her. Now I'm losing him, too." Then he pressed the power button, and I was forever, eternally with my wife.

    I found this story (it's actually a 3 minute youtube video) from a home school site. I thought it was pretty cool. Do you get it? See, the guy looses his wife. (She dies.) Then he's putting away her stuff and he somehow gets into her camera. Pretty neat idea, huh?
You gotta watch the little clip, though. It's pretty neat. If I ever find the URL again, I'll give it to you.

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