Saturday, January 02, 2010

STORY - About Me

My name is Emily, and I live life simply on a small twelve acre farm in the Northwest, USA. I love our three horses, Kayro, Natalie, and Beauzie. Well, two really. You see, Kayro (a.k.a. Nickerbonker) is my sister's horse. He is 'getting up there' in age, and he's a Quarter Horse, copper penny color. A friend gave him to my sister when she was ten, and she's loved him ever since! Natalie, on the other hand, isn't really any of ours. She is our neighbor's, but they quote from my sister: 'bought her for me''. Nattie is darker brown, I guess you might call it a brown, but not exactly, and last but not least is my precious Beauzer Antonio, Beauzie or 'Beau'. (Meaning 'well-mannered and gentleman like young man.) Well, that's just the horses!
Then there's the dogs and chickens and kitties and who knows what else...
Some things about my family: We Home school. We are Christian. We go to the Church of God. The girls in my family wear dresses 24/7.

I love to blog, email, chat, text, write letters, talk on the phone, talk, draw, paint, play the piano, drink out of Mason jars, take pictures, go barefoot, play in the rain, sing, sing, and sing again!, I love going to God's church, the Church of God, the beach, Silverwood (a park), malls, Coffeehouses, Borders (a bookstore), Ross (a clothes store), Target, and pretty much everywhere else except Walmart.
My voice is midrange, not opera or bass.
I'm not short, but definitely not tall, and I'm not skinny, but I'm absolutely not obese... or even fat. I prefer to be called 'fit'. While were on the 'prefer to be called' rage, I prefer to be called Em, Emily, Libby, or Liberty. I am most frequently called Em.
I love the colors pink, black and white, and I like my pictures to be in sepia, black or color. (   =P    ) Are you thinking, 'that's the only colors there are!!??'? good.
When I'm distressed or completely boreded out, I write about me... but me, is 'the girl'. =D

Farmgirl, Farmerette, Em, Milly, Libby, or whatever.
I'm signing off...