Friday, January 22, 2010

BOOKS - WFHI - Chapter 1 & 2

I'm currently reading an amazing book titled, "Waiting for Her Isaac". It is an amazing story of courtship. At first when we got it, I thought, "What a tiny book with an unusual cover." Forced to read it for school, I found it a blessing with rich chapters provoking me to be better for God.
I think I shall include you on this book. I will give you a chapter each time I'm on, and relate my life to it.


Beth is a lot like me - she sleeps in, I sleep in, she's zealous, I'm zealous. Her bedroom is light and spacious... my bedroom is small but well organized. Her favorite colors are blue and white, and mine are black and white (or pink and white). She's a heavy sleeper... I am too...when I sleep, that is. In this chapter, Beth is impatient and wants to get going on her Ski day. She realizes that she was wrong, but it helps me to think about what look like when I'm impatient. Beth is also considerate and loves making things (like playdough), so do I. Beth likes little ones, and so do I! Beth relies a lot on her friend, Katie, which can be good, and can be bad. A year and a half or so ago, I really relied on my friends from church. Then we left that church. I was devastated, and at first I was mad. Mad at God, my dad, everyone. I was a sorry site to be sure. . .but I learned to rely on God, and He is now my friend. You will see through this book that Beth also learns to rely on God more than her friends.
Please feel free to click on the pictures... they will enlarge and you can read them.

Here is the second chapter --- finally!
I will try to be better at posting!!!

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