Thursday, January 21, 2010

STORY - A home-schooler’s late start school day:

It’s late, 8 o’clock, and you have to do school! You get up, lazy around to the kitchen, and pull out a couple cereal boxes, milk, and a bowl and spoon. You eat breakfast for a half-an-hour. Your mom comes into the kitchen, and orders while doing the dishes and pulling out her car keys to go get the mail since it’s nearly a mile to the end of the driveway, “Clean that table, wipe if off, unload the dishwasher, my word, your room needs cleaned, don’t forget to have devotions, feed the horses, and the dogs, and the cats, and the chickens, and then milk the cow, and give some milk to Stacey, and clean the bathroom for me, please?” (Stacey is the widow neighbor.) “Then I want you to get dressed,” (Homeschoolers eat breakfast in their PJ’s.) “And go to the living room, were going to read.” (Read means have family devotions out of the King James Version bible, read Around the World in 80 Days, Luisa May Alcott: Eight Cousins, Elsie Dinsmoore, book four, etc. So, you finish eating, clear off the table, wipe it down, unload the dishwasher, ignore cleaning your room, and go have devotions. Then, you grab either your Daddy’s coat, or your Carhart® coat, and, in your pajamas, you go feed the horses, love on them, feed them treats, fill up their water, feed the dogs, feed the cats, feed the chickens, give them water, collect eggs, and head for the house to wash your hands so you can milk the cow. After milking the cow, you rub her down, and sift the milk and clean it. Then you give the milk to Stacey. After that, you clean the bathroom – walls, sinks, toilets, showers, everything. After that, you grab a jean skirt (or if you’re a guy, you wear jeans and you don’t wear PJ’s, you just wear your clothes to bed.) and a t-shirt, and you hop in the shower for fifteen minutes. Then you (if you’re a girl, you comb out your hair, if you’re a guy, you rub it down with a towel) do your hair, and plop down in the living room with a book or paper and pencils, till mom comes into the living room. It’s past 10 am. Your mom comes into the living room, and you read for 2 or so hours, then you clean your room for 3 or so hours, and then its 3 o’clock. You decide you better get started on school, so you pop your math tutor in the computer, and listen to his boring voice, then you do a few chapters, since it’s soooo easy. After that, you do Science, and Grammar, and Composition, and Bible. Then, you’re done with school. (For a short day’s worth, anyway. And don’t bother doing History… mom read History to you in reading hour.) After all that, you sweep the kitchen floor for the 5th time that day, and start cooking dinner with your mom. Dad comes home, you great him with electricity, and hug him. You eat dinner. You clean up dinner with mom and dad. Then, dad goes and fixes the fire, and you load the dishwasher with your sisters. After that, you and your family plays Blitz until Dad’s falling asleep… 11 pm. You only hope the next day you can get up earlier and get more school done. Will it happen?
lol. this is NOT a typical day in the Grasser household.

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