Friday, January 08, 2010

STORY - Jack and Sam

Jack and Sam ran up the hill to fetch one's beautiful daughter. Jack fell down, because of his large crown, but Sam bounded ahead and got her.

Jack opened the door to Sadie’s room.

“Hi.” He said, half-waving, half-flopping onto her bed. She was sitting at her computer desk, writing a report that was due in three weeks.

“Whatcha doing?” He asked, jumping from the bed to his knees by her chair. She slowly turned her head, and jumped.

“What?” He asked, as she stormed to the kitchen. He ran after her.

She opened the fridge, and pulled out a cheese stick.

“What?” She answered, “Is that you were ‘what’, one inch away from my face?” She walked back to her room, chewing on some cheese. Opening the drawer of her dresser, she handed him a game-boy. He turned it on and started fiddling with it, but soon returned to the spot by her chair. She turned to him again, “What do you want, Jack?”

He gave her puppy-dog eyes, “Just to be with you!” She rolled her eyes and proceeded to type up her story. After a few minutes, she growled.

“Ugh! Can’t you just leave me alone and stop watching over my shoulder?” Jack snickered, moving closer. Under the desk, Sadie reached for her cellphone and texted, “dad come to my room – jacks here”. She waited a few moments, tormented by Jack’s awful eyes. Suddenly, she heard footsteps, and she smiled.

“Awe,” Said Jack, “You’re finally going to warm up!” Sadie grinned even bigger when her dad walked into the room.

“Young man, what exactly are you doing in Sadie’s room?” Jack stammered, “Uh, Mr. Sadie’s dad sir, uh, I was,” Mr. Stein, Sadie’s dad, laughed.

“You don’t even know my name.”

Jack smiled weakly, “Uh, well, you know.”

Mr. Stein pointed a finger at Sadie’s door, “Out.”

Jack raised an eyebrow.

Mr. Stein faced Jack face-to-face, “Listen, kid, you get out, or I’ll pull you out by the seat of your pants.”

Jack left the room.

Sam knocked on the Stein household’s front door. Sadie got up and walked to it gracefully. Before opening it, she informed her mom someone was there. She opened the door, “Hello Sam!” Sadie said enthusiastically. Sam stood where he was, not pushing his way in, “Hi, Sadie! How are you? How's your mom?” Sadie opened the door wider, and stepped in a foot or two, “Why don’t you ask her that you’re self?” Questioned Sadie.

“Alright!” Sam smiled. Together, they walked to the kitchen where Mrs. Stein and Mr. Stein were chatting.

“Hello, Katherine. Hi George!” Sam greeted.

“Well,” Mr. and Mrs. Stein said in unison, “hello, Sam.”

The four talked a little bit about different non-important things, and then Sadie exclaimed, “Oh, Sam, can I show you something?” Sam nodded, “Sure.” Sadie shrugged, “It’s in my room.” Sam smiled, “I’ll wait right here.”

Sadie brought out a little handheld game-boy with three-thousand preloaded games and 50 gigabits of free space to download your own games. While Sadie and Sam stayed within site of her parents, they talked and laughed in the living room, playing the game.

By Emily G