Thursday, January 21, 2010

THOUGHTS - A carrot for the horsie?

NEWS FLASH~     Even though I usually start out letters to people like this, "I'm sitting here, at the computer desk, ...", I shall not today. I am sitting at the computer desk, however, it is not an easy task. I am sure if you'll read my last few posts, I've informed you that we have a pond, and furthermore, that we iceskate on it. Well, I am surely hurting this morning because of that ice: I sprained my wrist.
    It's not a bad sprain, no. But a hurtful one! And if you only knew the pain it is causing me to type! Of course, the rational explanation would be to either type with one hand, or get off the computer, but I believe I can be brave enough. So, yes, I've sprained my wrist. Even so, I'm trying to inform you of what's going on around here!

    A very dear friend of mine, DinahRaye, gave me a little book titled, 'A Quick Word with Beth Moore: Scriptures & Quotations from Believing God'. I shall write a few quotes down from it.

    -By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen has been made from things that are not visible.

    -I am freed to know that my God is huge, and my God is able. So I know if I don't get what I asked from Him, if I'll cooperate, I'll get something bigger] or better [. I'll know that a greater ''yes'' is in the progress.

    -Sometimes God demands radical measures when He wants to bring about radical results. I may look silly, but I'm a walking miracle experiencing the power of God.

    -If God said it, I want to believe it. If God gives it, I want to receive it. If God shows it, I want to perceive it. If Satan stole it, I want to retrieve it.

(More quotations are coming soon as I read through the book.)
Lol. You're probably wondering where the horsie and carrot come in right?
Here's the catch - they don't.
A random thing you get with me!

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