Monday, December 28, 2009

PHOTOS - I'll be home for Christmas - you can count on me!

Even though we got barely any snow, 6 inches at the very most, that doesn't mean you can't go sleigh riding*!

Our family, my grandparents Ruth and Wright E, and uncle, James E. were here for Christmas and we went sleigh riding. Isaac** drove the sleigh, and afterwords, we went up to the cabin***...

...and had hot chocolate and fresh popcorn. =) It was very fun. That was actually on the 26th. On Christmas Eve, I spent most of the afternoon with my dad's side of the family, the Grasser's, at my Uncle Brook's house. I had alot of fun there, we did a gift exchange. Instead of buying a present for everyone in the family and cousin and uncles and all that, you buy one present for every person in your family, and then wrap them without presenting a tag/label to 'whom'. Then you play a little game: everyone holds a present. Someone reads a poem, and whenever you meet the word, 'and', you pass the present to the right. After the poem is read, you open the present that sits on your lap. (It's more complicated than that, but that's the gist.)
Christmas Day we opened gifts from long lost cousins, aunts and uncles, as well as gifts to each other. =) And we ate a wonderful big Christmas meal with oysters. D= Disgusting. But we also had Turkey and other meat, and the only person that reallllly wanted oysters was my uncle. I don't mind the taste, it's the texture.... ew!
Like mushrooms. (Ew.)
Well, I better go feed the farminals.

*This picture is not of my family and / or anyone related to me.
**Isaac, the ranch owner's son, not my brother.
***This is the cabin that we were in. It is at Western Pleasures horse ranch past Sandpoint, Idaho.

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