Sunday, January 24, 2010


My mom does this on her blog, so I thought, whatever, I'll do it too. =)

January 24th

I'm thinking: I wonder if I should be on here on  a church day like this?
I'm thankful: That God healed my wrist.
What nature is doing: Snowing!!! (Finally.)
What God has been doing: Working in the minds of the ones we once were together with much.
Goals for today: Get to church on time!
I'm wearing: You really should know by now... A jean skirt and tshirt. (only this time it's long sleeved)
I'm creating: Um... a scrapbook.
I'm learning: Geometry.
I'm reading: Waiting For Her Isaac
In the kitchen: Snickerdoodles by Mandy.
I'm going: to church in a half hour or so.
I'm hoping: to see great things happen to our Church.
I'm hearing: Isaac and Mandy play over the piano - or more like Mandy playing, and Isaac upsetting her.
around the house: Isaac and Mandy by the piano, Mom reading a book, Dad laying on the couch like a mummy (arms crossed) with a blanket over him.
My favorite things: Horses, babies, toes.
tonight: Church.
random thought: I've got my father's toes.
quote of the day: Don't look back, leave it all on the track. (RS)
verse of the day: Isaiah 40:9
Pictures of the day:

I own nothing. These pictures are products of Sandra Kuck and her only, unless otherwise noted.