Thursday, January 28, 2010

PHOTOS - Pictures! (updated 1-28-10)

This is me in a big walnut tree at the downtown park.
Really cool day... literally.
~Miss Emily Ruthann

Sunday, January 24, 2010


My mom does this on her blog, so I thought, whatever, I'll do it too. =)

January 24th

I'm thinking: I wonder if I should be on here on  a church day like this?
I'm thankful: That God healed my wrist.
What nature is doing: Snowing!!! (Finally.)
What God has been doing: Working in the minds of the ones we once were together with much.
Goals for today: Get to church on time!
I'm wearing: You really should know by now... A jean skirt and tshirt. (only this time it's long sleeved)
I'm creating: Um... a scrapbook.
I'm learning: Geometry.
I'm reading: Waiting For Her Isaac
In the kitchen: Snickerdoodles by Mandy.
I'm going: to church in a half hour or so.
I'm hoping: to see great things happen to our Church.
I'm hearing: Isaac and Mandy play over the piano - or more like Mandy playing, and Isaac upsetting her.
around the house: Isaac and Mandy by the piano, Mom reading a book, Dad laying on the couch like a mummy (arms crossed) with a blanket over him.
My favorite things: Horses, babies, toes.
tonight: Church.
random thought: I've got my father's toes.
quote of the day: Don't look back, leave it all on the track. (RS)
verse of the day: Isaiah 40:9
Pictures of the day:

I own nothing. These pictures are products of Sandra Kuck and her only, unless otherwise noted.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

NAMES - (Updated 1-24-10)

   These are my favorite names, and the list is always growing. On my 20 favorites, the underlined ones are my 'favorite favorites'.

   My 20 favorite boy names are: Adonai, Tyrel, Ryan, Joseph, Hartley, Wakefield, Shiah, Liam, Baron, Shilow, Darius, Mason, Laydon, Bailey, Allister, Doxology, Hudson , Morrison, Prescott, & Weston. My 20 favorite girl names are: Danielle, Emiline, Penelope[pen-ehl-oh-pee], Natalie, Morah, Rosalie, Sharkira, Rebecka, Tessa, Jannel, Morgan, Estee, Deseray, Cela, Taylor, Alexia, BrooklynChanning, Tarkina, and Idalie. BTW: you say Cela (say-la), and it means 'little rock'.

   Boys are bold and Girls are italics.
   (New names in RED)

Oh, and I know. You feel "sorry" for my kids. Hey, it's my choice, right?

A -

Acker Adan Adar Adrien Adonai Aleron Aaron Allister Alex Alexia Allistar Austriauna Aarika

B -

Balin Baron Baylon Bavol Basim Bently Beniah Belvon Billings Blake Baliey Brandon Ben Benjamen Branson Benson Belinda Brooklyn

C -

Caspian Canaan Caetan, Cagle, Cadel, Corrin Carter Caleb Chelon(Kay-lone, meaning strong) Cadon Caylee Cailla(Kayla) Cela(Selah, meaning little rock, I would name her it after my dad, Rock, and my sister's middle name, Rochele, meaning little rock.)  Chelsie Chantel Claiborne Carley Christy Channing

D -

Dalen Dalsten Daltrey Dalziel, Daneck, Davin David Darius Diggary Drexel Dayton Dexon Doxology Derick Deseray Delinda Delinny Danielle Dixy

E -

Edmund Eliam Eric Ethan Emiline Emma Estee('S'-tee)

F -

Faizon Finley Fay(No, I'd never name my own girl that, but I just think it's unique.)

G -

Garrison Garreth Gayton Gabe Gabril Glenn Gregory Gabriella Guenn

H -

Hurley Howland Howard Hadley Hailen Hadden Hackett Halle Halton Halston Haldane [Haldor (thunderous)] Hartley Hevel Hezron Harrison Hendon Haidon Hudson Hamilton Hender Henderson Hudsen Hickory Henredon Huck(leberry) Heigle Heather Hally(Hat - t + lee) Hillary

I -

Idalie Ira/Iris

J -

Jacob Jared Jamisen Jawon Josh Jackson Jonathan Joseph Jack Justin Jenna Jessa(with soft vowels, not hard) Jill Jordin Jannel

K -

Kade Keith Keeley Krikor Kaleb Kinder Kenan Kirk Kendrick Kelly KatieLee Kimberlie Kinder

L -

Liam Lagrand Labaron Lancelot Langdon Leavery Luke Laydon Launter Lee Lucas Linus Linny Lindsay

M -

Macauley Mahan Mason Max Monroe Morrison Missie Morgan Monah(and Morah, mean cheerfulness in Greek.) Moxie Morrison Meagan [Megaan(YES SPELLED THAT WAY)]

N -

Nartan Newport Newton Norton Nellie Natalie

O -

Onslow Orlee Orlando Ossie

P -

Paddon Paxon Pembroke Pelton Prescott Pistol Penelope

Q -

R -

Raiden Ranson Ransley Rankin Rayner Ravid(Searching) Rathic Riley Roam Ryan Roy Rock Recker Rekker Rebecka Rochele Rose Rosalie

S -

Stafford Sainsbury Salom Safford Saffron Sprucy Shayan Shay/Shai Shiah Shaykeen Shayde Stancliff Stanway Stanwick Stanwood Sutherland Sutton  Sen Scragg Shiloh Skandar Shilow Scott Sare Sanner Sharkira

T -

Tyrel Tane Talbot Tedrick Taurean Tarik/Tarick Tannor Teddy Ted Tannor Troy Trigger Talkbott Theroitt Tide Tompson Taylor Tarkina Treesa Treva

U -

V -

W -

Wade Wadley Waden Waisim Wakefield Wakely Walker Westie Westley Westoll Willderson Williom Willaby Willie Will Wellington Weston Whittney Winston Whinny Whin Whindixie

X -

Y -

Z -


Friday, January 22, 2010

BOOKS - WFHI - Chapter 1 & 2

I'm currently reading an amazing book titled, "Waiting for Her Isaac". It is an amazing story of courtship. At first when we got it, I thought, "What a tiny book with an unusual cover." Forced to read it for school, I found it a blessing with rich chapters provoking me to be better for God.
I think I shall include you on this book. I will give you a chapter each time I'm on, and relate my life to it.


Beth is a lot like me - she sleeps in, I sleep in, she's zealous, I'm zealous. Her bedroom is light and spacious... my bedroom is small but well organized. Her favorite colors are blue and white, and mine are black and white (or pink and white). She's a heavy sleeper... I am too...when I sleep, that is. In this chapter, Beth is impatient and wants to get going on her Ski day. She realizes that she was wrong, but it helps me to think about what look like when I'm impatient. Beth is also considerate and loves making things (like playdough), so do I. Beth likes little ones, and so do I! Beth relies a lot on her friend, Katie, which can be good, and can be bad. A year and a half or so ago, I really relied on my friends from church. Then we left that church. I was devastated, and at first I was mad. Mad at God, my dad, everyone. I was a sorry site to be sure. . .but I learned to rely on God, and He is now my friend. You will see through this book that Beth also learns to rely on God more than her friends.
Please feel free to click on the pictures... they will enlarge and you can read them.

Here is the second chapter --- finally!
I will try to be better at posting!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

STORY - A home-schooler’s late start school day:

It’s late, 8 o’clock, and you have to do school! You get up, lazy around to the kitchen, and pull out a couple cereal boxes, milk, and a bowl and spoon. You eat breakfast for a half-an-hour. Your mom comes into the kitchen, and orders while doing the dishes and pulling out her car keys to go get the mail since it’s nearly a mile to the end of the driveway, “Clean that table, wipe if off, unload the dishwasher, my word, your room needs cleaned, don’t forget to have devotions, feed the horses, and the dogs, and the cats, and the chickens, and then milk the cow, and give some milk to Stacey, and clean the bathroom for me, please?” (Stacey is the widow neighbor.) “Then I want you to get dressed,” (Homeschoolers eat breakfast in their PJ’s.) “And go to the living room, were going to read.” (Read means have family devotions out of the King James Version bible, read Around the World in 80 Days, Luisa May Alcott: Eight Cousins, Elsie Dinsmoore, book four, etc. So, you finish eating, clear off the table, wipe it down, unload the dishwasher, ignore cleaning your room, and go have devotions. Then, you grab either your Daddy’s coat, or your Carhart® coat, and, in your pajamas, you go feed the horses, love on them, feed them treats, fill up their water, feed the dogs, feed the cats, feed the chickens, give them water, collect eggs, and head for the house to wash your hands so you can milk the cow. After milking the cow, you rub her down, and sift the milk and clean it. Then you give the milk to Stacey. After that, you clean the bathroom – walls, sinks, toilets, showers, everything. After that, you grab a jean skirt (or if you’re a guy, you wear jeans and you don’t wear PJ’s, you just wear your clothes to bed.) and a t-shirt, and you hop in the shower for fifteen minutes. Then you (if you’re a girl, you comb out your hair, if you’re a guy, you rub it down with a towel) do your hair, and plop down in the living room with a book or paper and pencils, till mom comes into the living room. It’s past 10 am. Your mom comes into the living room, and you read for 2 or so hours, then you clean your room for 3 or so hours, and then its 3 o’clock. You decide you better get started on school, so you pop your math tutor in the computer, and listen to his boring voice, then you do a few chapters, since it’s soooo easy. After that, you do Science, and Grammar, and Composition, and Bible. Then, you’re done with school. (For a short day’s worth, anyway. And don’t bother doing History… mom read History to you in reading hour.) After all that, you sweep the kitchen floor for the 5th time that day, and start cooking dinner with your mom. Dad comes home, you great him with electricity, and hug him. You eat dinner. You clean up dinner with mom and dad. Then, dad goes and fixes the fire, and you load the dishwasher with your sisters. After that, you and your family plays Blitz until Dad’s falling asleep… 11 pm. You only hope the next day you can get up earlier and get more school done. Will it happen?
lol. this is NOT a typical day in the Grasser household.

THOUGHTS - A carrot for the horsie?

NEWS FLASH~     Even though I usually start out letters to people like this, "I'm sitting here, at the computer desk, ...", I shall not today. I am sitting at the computer desk, however, it is not an easy task. I am sure if you'll read my last few posts, I've informed you that we have a pond, and furthermore, that we iceskate on it. Well, I am surely hurting this morning because of that ice: I sprained my wrist.
    It's not a bad sprain, no. But a hurtful one! And if you only knew the pain it is causing me to type! Of course, the rational explanation would be to either type with one hand, or get off the computer, but I believe I can be brave enough. So, yes, I've sprained my wrist. Even so, I'm trying to inform you of what's going on around here!

    A very dear friend of mine, DinahRaye, gave me a little book titled, 'A Quick Word with Beth Moore: Scriptures & Quotations from Believing God'. I shall write a few quotes down from it.

    -By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen has been made from things that are not visible.

    -I am freed to know that my God is huge, and my God is able. So I know if I don't get what I asked from Him, if I'll cooperate, I'll get something bigger] or better [. I'll know that a greater ''yes'' is in the progress.

    -Sometimes God demands radical measures when He wants to bring about radical results. I may look silly, but I'm a walking miracle experiencing the power of God.

    -If God said it, I want to believe it. If God gives it, I want to receive it. If God shows it, I want to perceive it. If Satan stole it, I want to retrieve it.

(More quotations are coming soon as I read through the book.)
Lol. You're probably wondering where the horsie and carrot come in right?
Here's the catch - they don't.
A random thing you get with me!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

HORSES - My Dream Horsie...

Don't worry Beauzie, I'm not a traiter, I just think since you are getting up there, maybe when you're gone she can replace you! (But no one could replace you.)

    {Pretty pretty POA (Pony of America) type grade mare, 6yrs and 11.2 to 12h or so, never taped her, but right in there. Very stocky and well put together, could probably carry a light adult no problem. Extremely sweet, but shy of new people, best in a small group or one on one situation. Excellent in a big group too, holds her own with the big horses, but not mean. Easy keeper, but not a founderer, does fine on free choice green pasture or hay. Good to handle, no kick, bite bolt, rear, etc, and good with her feet. Started under saddle three years ago, but kids lost interest, and outgrew, so not worked under saddle since. Super smart little mare though, she would pick up anything really fast and be thrilled about the attention. Pretty leopard appy, dalmation, markings with full, thick mane and tale, looks like a little fairytale horse! Excellent mom too, has had a stunning foal for us. Can come with a breeding to my class} ........ {Only up for sale because I have no time for her now, and there is no one small enough to ride her here.} .........{Must go to a great home only!!! }.........{ Thanks!!!}

Perfect horse for me! Also get a look at her cute face:

 Awe... sweet sweet horsie.

Friday, January 08, 2010

STORY - Jack and Sam

Jack and Sam ran up the hill to fetch one's beautiful daughter. Jack fell down, because of his large crown, but Sam bounded ahead and got her.

Jack opened the door to Sadie’s room.

“Hi.” He said, half-waving, half-flopping onto her bed. She was sitting at her computer desk, writing a report that was due in three weeks.

“Whatcha doing?” He asked, jumping from the bed to his knees by her chair. She slowly turned her head, and jumped.

“What?” He asked, as she stormed to the kitchen. He ran after her.

She opened the fridge, and pulled out a cheese stick.

“What?” She answered, “Is that you were ‘what’, one inch away from my face?” She walked back to her room, chewing on some cheese. Opening the drawer of her dresser, she handed him a game-boy. He turned it on and started fiddling with it, but soon returned to the spot by her chair. She turned to him again, “What do you want, Jack?”

He gave her puppy-dog eyes, “Just to be with you!” She rolled her eyes and proceeded to type up her story. After a few minutes, she growled.

“Ugh! Can’t you just leave me alone and stop watching over my shoulder?” Jack snickered, moving closer. Under the desk, Sadie reached for her cellphone and texted, “dad come to my room – jacks here”. She waited a few moments, tormented by Jack’s awful eyes. Suddenly, she heard footsteps, and she smiled.

“Awe,” Said Jack, “You’re finally going to warm up!” Sadie grinned even bigger when her dad walked into the room.

“Young man, what exactly are you doing in Sadie’s room?” Jack stammered, “Uh, Mr. Sadie’s dad sir, uh, I was,” Mr. Stein, Sadie’s dad, laughed.

“You don’t even know my name.”

Jack smiled weakly, “Uh, well, you know.”

Mr. Stein pointed a finger at Sadie’s door, “Out.”

Jack raised an eyebrow.

Mr. Stein faced Jack face-to-face, “Listen, kid, you get out, or I’ll pull you out by the seat of your pants.”

Jack left the room.

Sam knocked on the Stein household’s front door. Sadie got up and walked to it gracefully. Before opening it, she informed her mom someone was there. She opened the door, “Hello Sam!” Sadie said enthusiastically. Sam stood where he was, not pushing his way in, “Hi, Sadie! How are you? How's your mom?” Sadie opened the door wider, and stepped in a foot or two, “Why don’t you ask her that you’re self?” Questioned Sadie.

“Alright!” Sam smiled. Together, they walked to the kitchen where Mrs. Stein and Mr. Stein were chatting.

“Hello, Katherine. Hi George!” Sam greeted.

“Well,” Mr. and Mrs. Stein said in unison, “hello, Sam.”

The four talked a little bit about different non-important things, and then Sadie exclaimed, “Oh, Sam, can I show you something?” Sam nodded, “Sure.” Sadie shrugged, “It’s in my room.” Sam smiled, “I’ll wait right here.”

Sadie brought out a little handheld game-boy with three-thousand preloaded games and 50 gigabits of free space to download your own games. While Sadie and Sam stayed within site of her parents, they talked and laughed in the living room, playing the game.

By Emily G

Saturday, January 02, 2010

PHOTOS - Pictures! (updated 1-2-10)

Me and Wyatt at Isaac's birthday party.

Me, far right, at Mandy's birthday party.

Me, far left, Mandy's birthday party. (My nose looks funky in this one!!!)

Me and Micah, our church. (I'm dressed up like-so because it was the night of our Christmas play.)

(Mirror image.) I'm the one inside the mirror, to the left. (Mandy's birthday party.)

Me doing Tasha's hair at Mandy's birthday party.

Me and Tala, day of Mandy's birthday party.

Knuffle Fluffy, our cat, capturing a mouse.

Me making huckleberry jam for my cousins.

Making huck jam.

Me and my sister, Mandy.

Me cooking (again).

Me at Silverwood.

Me and Grammy E.

The sleigh ride. (I'm in the middle.)

Mandy's saddled on Kayro, (left) I'm bareback on Beauzie (right).

Me and Beauzie. (My horse.)

Me and Beau.

Me and Hollister Perfume for Christmas!

That's all for now, guys and gals.
I think I'll take a walk to the pond.
~Farmerette Emily

STORY - About Me

My name is Emily, and I live life simply on a small twelve acre farm in the Northwest, USA. I love our three horses, Kayro, Natalie, and Beauzie. Well, two really. You see, Kayro (a.k.a. Nickerbonker) is my sister's horse. He is 'getting up there' in age, and he's a Quarter Horse, copper penny color. A friend gave him to my sister when she was ten, and she's loved him ever since! Natalie, on the other hand, isn't really any of ours. She is our neighbor's, but they quote from my sister: 'bought her for me''. Nattie is darker brown, I guess you might call it a brown, but not exactly, and last but not least is my precious Beauzer Antonio, Beauzie or 'Beau'. (Meaning 'well-mannered and gentleman like young man.) Well, that's just the horses!
Then there's the dogs and chickens and kitties and who knows what else...
Some things about my family: We Home school. We are Christian. We go to the Church of God. The girls in my family wear dresses 24/7.

I love to blog, email, chat, text, write letters, talk on the phone, talk, draw, paint, play the piano, drink out of Mason jars, take pictures, go barefoot, play in the rain, sing, sing, and sing again!, I love going to God's church, the Church of God, the beach, Silverwood (a park), malls, Coffeehouses, Borders (a bookstore), Ross (a clothes store), Target, and pretty much everywhere else except Walmart.
My voice is midrange, not opera or bass.
I'm not short, but definitely not tall, and I'm not skinny, but I'm absolutely not obese... or even fat. I prefer to be called 'fit'. While were on the 'prefer to be called' rage, I prefer to be called Em, Emily, Libby, or Liberty. I am most frequently called Em.
I love the colors pink, black and white, and I like my pictures to be in sepia, black or color. (   =P    ) Are you thinking, 'that's the only colors there are!!??'? good.
When I'm distressed or completely boreded out, I write about me... but me, is 'the girl'. =D

Farmgirl, Farmerette, Em, Milly, Libby, or whatever.
I'm signing off...