Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Poor. Papa. Wig. (ROTFL!!!)

(This is a really cute flower... um... the flower is soooo tiny, that you can't ever see it in this picture...)
(An incredibly incredible old truck my grandpa has...)
(Me, my mom, and my dad and grandmother in the background.)
(A beautiful sunset to compliment a beautiful day!)
(The river was roaring!)

 (And yes, I jumped across the river to get to that rock.)
(Same rock!! Is it just me, or do I look taller than my older sister in that picture?)
(Me by the old truck.)
(Those were pictures I took from a trip to Grandpa and Grandma's house for the Mother's Day weekend...)

Okay... onto business... I've officially had my 400th visitor...
and this is my 60th blog post!
Horray for me!
Actually, 60 isn't a lot. My sister, Mandy, has hundreds of posts on her blog. (You should visit her sight. Click here.)

Well, I'm officially stoked. Why? Well, 1) This is my last month of school; 2) We are going to Virginia Campmeeting; 3) God's working my life out, and working in mysterious ways; 4) I'm having lots and lots of good dreams lately. (!!)

1) I thought that I wouldn't be done with school until the end of June, but that's not how it works... I'll be done with every subject but one this month! Okay, you public schoolers... I know that's normal for you... I know. But usually us non-public schoolers get done the middle of June, so, I'm pretty happy.
2) I'm totally happy we are going to Virginia Campmeeting... I get to see a lot of my old friends there... and hopefully make some new ones, too! Another thing I'm really excited about - me and my cousins are getting a room on the grounds together, so it'll be just me, my older sister, and then my two older girl cousins! That will be so new and fun!
3) God is helping me grow and mature and I'm growing in grace every day... I can tell that I will need more grace as time goes on, because of some things that (are possible to happen), and I'm just glad that God's got me covered. Everyday He sends me more grace to help with my siblings, and parents, and just plain life!                 Also, God is working in totally mysterious and unique ways that I cannot comprehend, but yet they are happening right in front of my eyes! It's kind of nice to ask God for something, and he really does it, you know what I mean? That is such a privilege.
4) I'm really thankful that I've been having good dreams that I can remember. Three of the most annoying things - when you wake up in the middle of a dream and can't finish it; when you wake up after the dream and can't remember it; and when you have a bad dream (that you can or can't wake up out of). I'm just really thankful that God has allowed those dreams to stop for good - I think I've gone... what? About six weeks without them? Good riddance!

Well, that's what's new in my life.