Tuesday, May 11, 2010


(My sister and me on the way to Orofino... long trip!)
(Very back - Mandy, me, Dad, Bro. Roger; middle - Bro. Ellery, Keaton; front - Isaac.)
(Us singing.)
(L to R - Me, Tana, Daphne, then Isaac in the back and Mandy in front of him.)
(At Uncle Brook's... random pictures.)

Well, I'm gonna go. Sorry David, it's not like Arizona. I just don't feel at home with certain "Spanish speaking" people around me. Unlike you, you go to Mickey D's and feel right at home with a bunch of ''Spanish speaking'' people.
Okay, you're thinking 'that was random'. That was not random.
Believe me.
Guess what? Almost all of those pictures above are from some camping trip or another... I NEED TO GO CAMPING!!!!