Friday, May 21, 2010

Guess what?

You won't believe it...
YEP! I'm moving again - to!
(It's really just the place I was before but it's a different look!)
Thank you so much!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Book Account

Where the Red Fern Grows... a book synopsis by Emily Ruthann, author Wilson Rawls

Warning! If you have never read Where the Red Fern Grows and wish to, please note that this book report has spoilers in it. If you wish to continue on, do so at your own will, but don’t blame me for spoiling the ending for you!
Warning! If you plan on not reading this and instead reading the book first, please note that the book does have three or four bad words in it.

Billy was just a small boy when his father got him traps. Billy trapped every night, trying to kill coons. And he succeeded, too. He caught more coons than thought possible with just some silly old traps. He was thankful for the traps, and happy with them, but he wanted some dogs. And not just any dogs, he wanted coon-hunting hound dogs. His mother would simply not allow it. Then one day, as he was investigating some passerby hunters’ leftover camp remains, he spotted an old newspaper. Naturally, he picked it up and started reading it. Having looked through a few pages, he saw the paper was nothing of interest so he started to set it down, but something caught his eye. A little note that read, “Registered redbone coon hound pups–twenty five dollars each,” changed his life forever.
            For two years, Billy worked harder than he ever had, and gained enough money to buy his pups. After running away to get them, he came home with two hound dogs – Big Dan, and Little Ann. He taught them well, and soon, they were the best coon hunters a boy could want. Dan had the guff – he was large, and well built. He could fight off anything. Ann was petite, but she had loads of brains. Together, (and they did everything together) they made a team.
            Billy had hundreds of encounters with coons, cats, and bears, but mostly coons. And my, did he catch a lot of them. He sold the coats, and gave the money to his father, and he didn’t mind a bit. He didn’t care where the money went, he just loved to coon hunt – and so did his dogs. Then one day, his grandfather showed him a paper contest entry form, and told him that he had already entered Billy, and all Billy had to do was go! Billy was so excited! He ran home, told his parents, and soon enough, his father, his grandfather, and his dogs were on their way to the biggest contest in the county – a coon hunt with your best dogs.
            Billy, of course, won, and received a gold cup for winning, and a silver cup for the best looking dogs. A few days afterwards, Billy went coon hunting in his own territory, but got into trouble with a cougar. He (barely) survived, but his dogs did not. Big Dan died because of wounds, and Little Ann died of a broken heart.
            With the money from all of the coons, Billy’s pa got enough money to buy a house in town, and the family moved ... but not before one last look at the graves of Dan and Ann. When Billy walked up to the graves, he almost screamed for joy – for there was a Red fern growing right in-between the two graves. And legend had it, that wherever a Red fern grew, that place was sacred forever. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Please please please pray for Joshua and Alex and Brett's mom ... she has colon cancer and will likely die within two weeks to one month. That is not cool! She was diagnosed sometime early in the month of May, 2010, but before the cancer could be removed, it spread to many many places, including her liver.
Joshua wrote the books, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye," and others, and his twin little brothers, Alex and Brett Harris, wrote the books, "Do Hard Things," and it's sequel.
Please pray!
These kids have done a whole lot of good for young people, and they need their mom.

Websites you want to know about...

Here are some cool web sites...

Your clip-art favorites are here! The Graphics Fairy has every kind of clip art you could possibly want! Just scroll down and look on the right side for categories!

Having trouble keeping your closet clean? Listen to Emily for advice! But advise is not all that Emily offers, she has a working, very well in-use blog!

A Godly farm girl writes her thoughts on food, life, and farm style living.Visit Jenna now!

Visit a Godly mature farmlady's blog, and how the Regan family's life is...

Joshua displays polls and questions we all need to ponder.

Josh (his twin is Jenna, and his family's blog is the Regan family blog) posts about different things - modesty, life on the farm, etc.

Two sisters - Marissa and Andrea tell about life, vacations, and family.

Lynnette's life is a wonderful one, but filled with memories and heartache. Join her beautiful family, or see the home page. Also, check out Lynnette's beautiful book and watch the small video about it. Also, see Lynnette's ministry

You may visit this blog, too ... A Cowgirl's Dream.

Visit a 16-year-old girl who loves old fashioned-y things!

Check out Lina's blog - an encouraging and inspiring website!

Friday, May 14, 2010

I love love love my new blog look!

Do you?
Comment and let me know or email me .
So cute!
Maybe, just maybe, it'll stay like this for at least one week. !!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


(My sister and me on the way to Orofino... long trip!)
(Very back - Mandy, me, Dad, Bro. Roger; middle - Bro. Ellery, Keaton; front - Isaac.)
(Us singing.)
(L to R - Me, Tana, Daphne, then Isaac in the back and Mandy in front of him.)
(At Uncle Brook's... random pictures.)

Well, I'm gonna go. Sorry David, it's not like Arizona. I just don't feel at home with certain "Spanish speaking" people around me. Unlike you, you go to Mickey D's and feel right at home with a bunch of ''Spanish speaking'' people.
Okay, you're thinking 'that was random'. That was not random.
Believe me.
Guess what? Almost all of those pictures above are from some camping trip or another... I NEED TO GO CAMPING!!!!

Poor. Papa. Wig. (ROTFL!!!)

(This is a really cute flower... um... the flower is soooo tiny, that you can't ever see it in this picture...)
(An incredibly incredible old truck my grandpa has...)
(Me, my mom, and my dad and grandmother in the background.)
(A beautiful sunset to compliment a beautiful day!)
(The river was roaring!)

 (And yes, I jumped across the river to get to that rock.)
(Same rock!! Is it just me, or do I look taller than my older sister in that picture?)
(Me by the old truck.)
(Those were pictures I took from a trip to Grandpa and Grandma's house for the Mother's Day weekend...)

Okay... onto business... I've officially had my 400th visitor...
and this is my 60th blog post!
Horray for me!
Actually, 60 isn't a lot. My sister, Mandy, has hundreds of posts on her blog. (You should visit her sight. Click here.)

Well, I'm officially stoked. Why? Well, 1) This is my last month of school; 2) We are going to Virginia Campmeeting; 3) God's working my life out, and working in mysterious ways; 4) I'm having lots and lots of good dreams lately. (!!)

1) I thought that I wouldn't be done with school until the end of June, but that's not how it works... I'll be done with every subject but one this month! Okay, you public schoolers... I know that's normal for you... I know. But usually us non-public schoolers get done the middle of June, so, I'm pretty happy.
2) I'm totally happy we are going to Virginia Campmeeting... I get to see a lot of my old friends there... and hopefully make some new ones, too! Another thing I'm really excited about - me and my cousins are getting a room on the grounds together, so it'll be just me, my older sister, and then my two older girl cousins! That will be so new and fun!
3) God is helping me grow and mature and I'm growing in grace every day... I can tell that I will need more grace as time goes on, because of some things that (are possible to happen), and I'm just glad that God's got me covered. Everyday He sends me more grace to help with my siblings, and parents, and just plain life!                 Also, God is working in totally mysterious and unique ways that I cannot comprehend, but yet they are happening right in front of my eyes! It's kind of nice to ask God for something, and he really does it, you know what I mean? That is such a privilege.
4) I'm really thankful that I've been having good dreams that I can remember. Three of the most annoying things - when you wake up in the middle of a dream and can't finish it; when you wake up after the dream and can't remember it; and when you have a bad dream (that you can or can't wake up out of). I'm just really thankful that God has allowed those dreams to stop for good - I think I've gone... what? About six weeks without them? Good riddance!

Well, that's what's new in my life.

Monday, May 03, 2010


When I write, "NEGUDETAI!!!" at the end of my hand-written or emailed letters, everyone wonders what in the world I am doing. It means, "Never Ever Give Up, Don't Even Think About It".

I have some song lyrics, and encouraging notes for ya'll. Keep reading.

His heart was broken, mine was mended. He became sin, now I am clean. The cross He carried for my burden. The nails that held him set me free. His life for mine... His life for mine. How could it ever be? That He would die, God's Son would die? To save a wretch like me! What Love divine, He gave His life for mine! His scars of suffering brought me healing, He spilled His blood to fill my soul. His crown of thorns made me royalty, His sorrow gave me joy untold.
Come on over, to the winning side. Where following Jesus, we got the banner held high, we're God's mighty army, we won't be denied, come on over to the winning side.
Don't give up on the brink of a miracle, don't give in, God is still on the throne. Don't give up on the brink of a miracle, don't give up, remember you're not alone. When Satan would have you look at the trials of life that surround you and he tries to appear and he brings doubts and fear all around you don't look with the eye or listen with the ear, just cry out to God, He is always near in your darkest hour, the miracle is near.
God will make a way, there seems to be no way. Forever He is faithful, He will make a road, when you bear a heavy load. I KNOW... God will make a way. GOD WILL MAKE A WAY. WHEN THERE SEEMS TO BE NO WAY. FOREVER HE IS FAITHFUL. HE WILL MAKE A ROAD. WHEN YOU BEAR A HEAVY LOAD, I KNOW. GOD WILL MAKE A WAY. It must have seems strange to end up stranded between an army and a sea, they must have felt forsaken when it seemed God wasn't all He said He'd be, when your back's against the wall, it's the hardest of all, somewhere between provision and impossibility. GOD WILL MAKE A WAY. WHEN THERE SEEMS TO BE NO WAY. FOREVER HE IS FAITHFUL. HE WILL MAKE A ROAD. WHEN YOU BEAR A HEAVY LOAD, I KNOW. GOD WILL MAKE A WAY. When a wall of circumstances leaves you crying in the night and you struggle till your strength is almost gone, God will gently hold you in the shelter of his love and He'll carve a road for you to carry on, so CARRY ON, TRAVELER! God will make a way, when there seems to be no way, forever He is faithful. He will make a heavy road, I know God WILL make a way.

I Fear

I am thankful for... the song, "His Life for Mine" Sister Sharon sang. (AZ CM 2010 Song CD 2, Track 2)
I am blessed because... our house didn't blow down in this very windy wind storm!
I'm happy right now because... of the internet.
I miss... David, Sharon, Ian
I wish... people would just wake up and shake them selves. I feel like grabbing them by the shoulders and yelling in their face, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???!!!"
I fear... Jesus will come back too soon. (In my time. It's won't be too soon, because whatever time he chooses will be exactly perfect, but ... I'm afraid certain people (I can think of more than 15 right now) won't get saved in time.
I hate... nothing but the devil.
I love... God first, then my family, then 
I ate... strawberry fruit salad, and yummy wood-cook-stove-cooked soup.
I do not... want my sister to go without me. 
I do... want to go to Arizona for my 16th 'trip'.
I can not... contain my joy inside for Christ.
I wish I could... take a vacation. 
One last wish... I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight... (if I told you, it wouldn't come true!! =oP)