Thursday, April 01, 2010

April Fools Day

   "Once there lived a horribly sad family. The family was only sad, because of the father. The father was a very mad and frustrated man, that needed God and needed more love.
He never showed any love, and he never played Monopoly on Sunday nights.
They never did anything together. In fact, this family pretty much hated each other.
So one night, it just happened to be April Fool's, the husband took his wife out for dinner.
She had been fighting alot lately, and she did not expect this. She thought he wanted to move out or something, but she was happy that he wanted to do something with her.
They went to a wonderful, expensive, incredible restaurant, and the wife had a wonderful time.
Then, the husband unbuttoned his coat, pulled out a rose, and pulled out an envelope.
He stood up, motioned for her to stay seated, and then said, "I love you: April Fools." And walked out.
The wife sat there for over three minutes, just in shock of what had just happened.
She was afraid to open the envelope, but she knew she should.
So, with all courage, she opened the note, and it was divorce papers.
Three days later, this woman died.
The doctors say it was of shock and a broken heart.
But the husband says, "She died 'cuz she was a fool. An April Fool."
And the doctors did not laugh."

Sad story, huh. Yeah, I thought so too. I hope you crack a funny but nice joke if anything, on April Fool's day, and don't let others think of you as the fool. 