Thursday, April 22, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This much fun... is so... well, ... fun!

Mercy sakes alive, I had the best of times last night.

     "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it  was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."  Charles Dickens

We had young peoples, and everyone but one family came, and we just had a real good time. Playing pictionary (our way), and hanging out.

Yesturday I went to a funeral...
Two funeral's, actually.

One - my ingenious self has been absorbed in insect related things lately. Insects, nature, yeah. So I went to the creek to observe Skunk Cabbage and birds. (Okay, not skunk cabbage - it was just there.) Anyway, I was looking at some really pretty yellow birds, when this awesome beetle flies up and lands right beside me. I'm all still and everything, just looking at it, when
okay, so this stupid stupid chcken of ours, Henny, followed me down to the creek. (Yeah, she followed me down to the creek. Stupid, stupid animsl.) And guess what? Right when I was checking out this beetle, she walks up and plucks it right into her mouth, swollows it, and then looks at me with my jaw slack. You could read her mind: she cocked her and said, "What?" just so innocently.

Anyway, the other funeral I went to was really sad.
I had just walked out the door to go on my beetle hunt, when Knuffle Fluffy, our cat, flies down to the barn and captures something, poking it, spinning it up in the air, and the like.
I went over to her, and just about smashed her into the side of the barn. She was killing a Shrew! I yelled at her and then poked her with a stick to keep her away while I scooped the little mouse up in my skirt.
Walking to the shop, I noticed the little thing had several wounds from earlier, and a few fresh ones from a moment ago. I got to the shop, put the Shrew on a service manual sitting on a table, (my dad's a car fixer upper guy a.k.a. mechanic ) and anyway, I put on some of his Latex gloves and got to work getting the little girl breathing again.
Didn't work.
She died, and I rolled her up in a paper towel and burried her.
I tried to get some pictures of the funeral on here, but they won't load. Maybe next time. =)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Don't Read this. It's boring and you already know it all anyway. =P

You all know I love eyes.
I absolutely am captivated by eyes.
I can't stand it.
So, here are some pictures of eyes that I found amazing.
Incredible blue eyes, right?
Look at these green eyes...
Well, I have to go, but I shall post more intriguing pictures of eyes later.
Miss Emily

Monday, April 12, 2010

i've nothing to say!

You know that moment between fasignation, shock, and amusement?
I had one of those moments today.
Don't know why I had to share that, just did. =P

Also: while babysitting my little brother today, a weird 'odealif' (au-dee-uh-lih-ff) (Stands for our dear little friend)

Okay, nevermind. I was going to say I had a weird moment with my cat. She was perched with her two front paws straigh and two hind legs crouched. (Sitting position.) And she jumped up in my lap while I was attempting to 1) help my little brother with homework 2) chat to a friend 3) call my mother 4) type out something and 5) get the cat out of the way of my screen. I finally swatted her off, but she jumped back on and rubbed me up one side and down another.
Crazy cat.
My brother laughed so hard he fell off the couch.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

April Fools Day

   "Once there lived a horribly sad family. The family was only sad, because of the father. The father was a very mad and frustrated man, that needed God and needed more love.
He never showed any love, and he never played Monopoly on Sunday nights.
They never did anything together. In fact, this family pretty much hated each other.
So one night, it just happened to be April Fool's, the husband took his wife out for dinner.
She had been fighting alot lately, and she did not expect this. She thought he wanted to move out or something, but she was happy that he wanted to do something with her.
They went to a wonderful, expensive, incredible restaurant, and the wife had a wonderful time.
Then, the husband unbuttoned his coat, pulled out a rose, and pulled out an envelope.
He stood up, motioned for her to stay seated, and then said, "I love you: April Fools." And walked out.
The wife sat there for over three minutes, just in shock of what had just happened.
She was afraid to open the envelope, but she knew she should.
So, with all courage, she opened the note, and it was divorce papers.
Three days later, this woman died.
The doctors say it was of shock and a broken heart.
But the husband says, "She died 'cuz she was a fool. An April Fool."
And the doctors did not laugh."

Sad story, huh. Yeah, I thought so too. I hope you crack a funny but nice joke if anything, on April Fool's day, and don't let others think of you as the fool. 