Friday, May 21, 2010

Guess what?

You won't believe it...
YEP! I'm moving again - to!
(It's really just the place I was before but it's a different look!)
Thank you so much!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Book Account

Where the Red Fern Grows... a book synopsis by Emily Ruthann, author Wilson Rawls

Warning! If you have never read Where the Red Fern Grows and wish to, please note that this book report has spoilers in it. If you wish to continue on, do so at your own will, but don’t blame me for spoiling the ending for you!
Warning! If you plan on not reading this and instead reading the book first, please note that the book does have three or four bad words in it.

Billy was just a small boy when his father got him traps. Billy trapped every night, trying to kill coons. And he succeeded, too. He caught more coons than thought possible with just some silly old traps. He was thankful for the traps, and happy with them, but he wanted some dogs. And not just any dogs, he wanted coon-hunting hound dogs. His mother would simply not allow it. Then one day, as he was investigating some passerby hunters’ leftover camp remains, he spotted an old newspaper. Naturally, he picked it up and started reading it. Having looked through a few pages, he saw the paper was nothing of interest so he started to set it down, but something caught his eye. A little note that read, “Registered redbone coon hound pups–twenty five dollars each,” changed his life forever.
            For two years, Billy worked harder than he ever had, and gained enough money to buy his pups. After running away to get them, he came home with two hound dogs – Big Dan, and Little Ann. He taught them well, and soon, they were the best coon hunters a boy could want. Dan had the guff – he was large, and well built. He could fight off anything. Ann was petite, but she had loads of brains. Together, (and they did everything together) they made a team.
            Billy had hundreds of encounters with coons, cats, and bears, but mostly coons. And my, did he catch a lot of them. He sold the coats, and gave the money to his father, and he didn’t mind a bit. He didn’t care where the money went, he just loved to coon hunt – and so did his dogs. Then one day, his grandfather showed him a paper contest entry form, and told him that he had already entered Billy, and all Billy had to do was go! Billy was so excited! He ran home, told his parents, and soon enough, his father, his grandfather, and his dogs were on their way to the biggest contest in the county – a coon hunt with your best dogs.
            Billy, of course, won, and received a gold cup for winning, and a silver cup for the best looking dogs. A few days afterwards, Billy went coon hunting in his own territory, but got into trouble with a cougar. He (barely) survived, but his dogs did not. Big Dan died because of wounds, and Little Ann died of a broken heart.
            With the money from all of the coons, Billy’s pa got enough money to buy a house in town, and the family moved ... but not before one last look at the graves of Dan and Ann. When Billy walked up to the graves, he almost screamed for joy – for there was a Red fern growing right in-between the two graves. And legend had it, that wherever a Red fern grew, that place was sacred forever. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Please please please pray for Joshua and Alex and Brett's mom ... she has colon cancer and will likely die within two weeks to one month. That is not cool! She was diagnosed sometime early in the month of May, 2010, but before the cancer could be removed, it spread to many many places, including her liver.
Joshua wrote the books, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye," and others, and his twin little brothers, Alex and Brett Harris, wrote the books, "Do Hard Things," and it's sequel.
Please pray!
These kids have done a whole lot of good for young people, and they need their mom.

Websites you want to know about...

Here are some cool web sites...

Your clip-art favorites are here! The Graphics Fairy has every kind of clip art you could possibly want! Just scroll down and look on the right side for categories!

Having trouble keeping your closet clean? Listen to Emily for advice! But advise is not all that Emily offers, she has a working, very well in-use blog!

A Godly farm girl writes her thoughts on food, life, and farm style living.Visit Jenna now!

Visit a Godly mature farmlady's blog, and how the Regan family's life is...

Joshua displays polls and questions we all need to ponder.

Josh (his twin is Jenna, and his family's blog is the Regan family blog) posts about different things - modesty, life on the farm, etc.

Two sisters - Marissa and Andrea tell about life, vacations, and family.

Lynnette's life is a wonderful one, but filled with memories and heartache. Join her beautiful family, or see the home page. Also, check out Lynnette's beautiful book and watch the small video about it. Also, see Lynnette's ministry

You may visit this blog, too ... A Cowgirl's Dream.

Visit a 16-year-old girl who loves old fashioned-y things!

Check out Lina's blog - an encouraging and inspiring website!

Friday, May 14, 2010

I love love love my new blog look!

Do you?
Comment and let me know or email me .
So cute!
Maybe, just maybe, it'll stay like this for at least one week. !!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


(My sister and me on the way to Orofino... long trip!)
(Very back - Mandy, me, Dad, Bro. Roger; middle - Bro. Ellery, Keaton; front - Isaac.)
(Us singing.)
(L to R - Me, Tana, Daphne, then Isaac in the back and Mandy in front of him.)
(At Uncle Brook's... random pictures.)

Well, I'm gonna go. Sorry David, it's not like Arizona. I just don't feel at home with certain "Spanish speaking" people around me. Unlike you, you go to Mickey D's and feel right at home with a bunch of ''Spanish speaking'' people.
Okay, you're thinking 'that was random'. That was not random.
Believe me.
Guess what? Almost all of those pictures above are from some camping trip or another... I NEED TO GO CAMPING!!!!

Poor. Papa. Wig. (ROTFL!!!)

(This is a really cute flower... um... the flower is soooo tiny, that you can't ever see it in this picture...)
(An incredibly incredible old truck my grandpa has...)
(Me, my mom, and my dad and grandmother in the background.)
(A beautiful sunset to compliment a beautiful day!)
(The river was roaring!)

 (And yes, I jumped across the river to get to that rock.)
(Same rock!! Is it just me, or do I look taller than my older sister in that picture?)
(Me by the old truck.)
(Those were pictures I took from a trip to Grandpa and Grandma's house for the Mother's Day weekend...)

Okay... onto business... I've officially had my 400th visitor...
and this is my 60th blog post!
Horray for me!
Actually, 60 isn't a lot. My sister, Mandy, has hundreds of posts on her blog. (You should visit her sight. Click here.)

Well, I'm officially stoked. Why? Well, 1) This is my last month of school; 2) We are going to Virginia Campmeeting; 3) God's working my life out, and working in mysterious ways; 4) I'm having lots and lots of good dreams lately. (!!)

1) I thought that I wouldn't be done with school until the end of June, but that's not how it works... I'll be done with every subject but one this month! Okay, you public schoolers... I know that's normal for you... I know. But usually us non-public schoolers get done the middle of June, so, I'm pretty happy.
2) I'm totally happy we are going to Virginia Campmeeting... I get to see a lot of my old friends there... and hopefully make some new ones, too! Another thing I'm really excited about - me and my cousins are getting a room on the grounds together, so it'll be just me, my older sister, and then my two older girl cousins! That will be so new and fun!
3) God is helping me grow and mature and I'm growing in grace every day... I can tell that I will need more grace as time goes on, because of some things that (are possible to happen), and I'm just glad that God's got me covered. Everyday He sends me more grace to help with my siblings, and parents, and just plain life!                 Also, God is working in totally mysterious and unique ways that I cannot comprehend, but yet they are happening right in front of my eyes! It's kind of nice to ask God for something, and he really does it, you know what I mean? That is such a privilege.
4) I'm really thankful that I've been having good dreams that I can remember. Three of the most annoying things - when you wake up in the middle of a dream and can't finish it; when you wake up after the dream and can't remember it; and when you have a bad dream (that you can or can't wake up out of). I'm just really thankful that God has allowed those dreams to stop for good - I think I've gone... what? About six weeks without them? Good riddance!

Well, that's what's new in my life.

Monday, May 03, 2010


When I write, "NEGUDETAI!!!" at the end of my hand-written or emailed letters, everyone wonders what in the world I am doing. It means, "Never Ever Give Up, Don't Even Think About It".

I have some song lyrics, and encouraging notes for ya'll. Keep reading.

His heart was broken, mine was mended. He became sin, now I am clean. The cross He carried for my burden. The nails that held him set me free. His life for mine... His life for mine. How could it ever be? That He would die, God's Son would die? To save a wretch like me! What Love divine, He gave His life for mine! His scars of suffering brought me healing, He spilled His blood to fill my soul. His crown of thorns made me royalty, His sorrow gave me joy untold.
Come on over, to the winning side. Where following Jesus, we got the banner held high, we're God's mighty army, we won't be denied, come on over to the winning side.
Don't give up on the brink of a miracle, don't give in, God is still on the throne. Don't give up on the brink of a miracle, don't give up, remember you're not alone. When Satan would have you look at the trials of life that surround you and he tries to appear and he brings doubts and fear all around you don't look with the eye or listen with the ear, just cry out to God, He is always near in your darkest hour, the miracle is near.
God will make a way, there seems to be no way. Forever He is faithful, He will make a road, when you bear a heavy load. I KNOW... God will make a way. GOD WILL MAKE A WAY. WHEN THERE SEEMS TO BE NO WAY. FOREVER HE IS FAITHFUL. HE WILL MAKE A ROAD. WHEN YOU BEAR A HEAVY LOAD, I KNOW. GOD WILL MAKE A WAY. It must have seems strange to end up stranded between an army and a sea, they must have felt forsaken when it seemed God wasn't all He said He'd be, when your back's against the wall, it's the hardest of all, somewhere between provision and impossibility. GOD WILL MAKE A WAY. WHEN THERE SEEMS TO BE NO WAY. FOREVER HE IS FAITHFUL. HE WILL MAKE A ROAD. WHEN YOU BEAR A HEAVY LOAD, I KNOW. GOD WILL MAKE A WAY. When a wall of circumstances leaves you crying in the night and you struggle till your strength is almost gone, God will gently hold you in the shelter of his love and He'll carve a road for you to carry on, so CARRY ON, TRAVELER! God will make a way, when there seems to be no way, forever He is faithful. He will make a heavy road, I know God WILL make a way.

I Fear

I am thankful for... the song, "His Life for Mine" Sister Sharon sang. (AZ CM 2010 Song CD 2, Track 2)
I am blessed because... our house didn't blow down in this very windy wind storm!
I'm happy right now because... of the internet.
I miss... David, Sharon, Ian
I wish... people would just wake up and shake them selves. I feel like grabbing them by the shoulders and yelling in their face, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???!!!"
I fear... Jesus will come back too soon. (In my time. It's won't be too soon, because whatever time he chooses will be exactly perfect, but ... I'm afraid certain people (I can think of more than 15 right now) won't get saved in time.
I hate... nothing but the devil.
I love... God first, then my family, then 
I ate... strawberry fruit salad, and yummy wood-cook-stove-cooked soup.
I do not... want my sister to go without me. 
I do... want to go to Arizona for my 16th 'trip'.
I can not... contain my joy inside for Christ.
I wish I could... take a vacation. 
One last wish... I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight... (if I told you, it wouldn't come true!! =oP)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This much fun... is so... well, ... fun!

Mercy sakes alive, I had the best of times last night.

     "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it  was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."  Charles Dickens

We had young peoples, and everyone but one family came, and we just had a real good time. Playing pictionary (our way), and hanging out.

Yesturday I went to a funeral...
Two funeral's, actually.

One - my ingenious self has been absorbed in insect related things lately. Insects, nature, yeah. So I went to the creek to observe Skunk Cabbage and birds. (Okay, not skunk cabbage - it was just there.) Anyway, I was looking at some really pretty yellow birds, when this awesome beetle flies up and lands right beside me. I'm all still and everything, just looking at it, when
okay, so this stupid stupid chcken of ours, Henny, followed me down to the creek. (Yeah, she followed me down to the creek. Stupid, stupid animsl.) And guess what? Right when I was checking out this beetle, she walks up and plucks it right into her mouth, swollows it, and then looks at me with my jaw slack. You could read her mind: she cocked her and said, "What?" just so innocently.

Anyway, the other funeral I went to was really sad.
I had just walked out the door to go on my beetle hunt, when Knuffle Fluffy, our cat, flies down to the barn and captures something, poking it, spinning it up in the air, and the like.
I went over to her, and just about smashed her into the side of the barn. She was killing a Shrew! I yelled at her and then poked her with a stick to keep her away while I scooped the little mouse up in my skirt.
Walking to the shop, I noticed the little thing had several wounds from earlier, and a few fresh ones from a moment ago. I got to the shop, put the Shrew on a service manual sitting on a table, (my dad's a car fixer upper guy a.k.a. mechanic ) and anyway, I put on some of his Latex gloves and got to work getting the little girl breathing again.
Didn't work.
She died, and I rolled her up in a paper towel and burried her.
I tried to get some pictures of the funeral on here, but they won't load. Maybe next time. =)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Don't Read this. It's boring and you already know it all anyway. =P

You all know I love eyes.
I absolutely am captivated by eyes.
I can't stand it.
So, here are some pictures of eyes that I found amazing.
Incredible blue eyes, right?
Look at these green eyes...
Well, I have to go, but I shall post more intriguing pictures of eyes later.
Miss Emily

Monday, April 12, 2010

i've nothing to say!

You know that moment between fasignation, shock, and amusement?
I had one of those moments today.
Don't know why I had to share that, just did. =P

Also: while babysitting my little brother today, a weird 'odealif' (au-dee-uh-lih-ff) (Stands for our dear little friend)

Okay, nevermind. I was going to say I had a weird moment with my cat. She was perched with her two front paws straigh and two hind legs crouched. (Sitting position.) And she jumped up in my lap while I was attempting to 1) help my little brother with homework 2) chat to a friend 3) call my mother 4) type out something and 5) get the cat out of the way of my screen. I finally swatted her off, but she jumped back on and rubbed me up one side and down another.
Crazy cat.
My brother laughed so hard he fell off the couch.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

April Fools Day

   "Once there lived a horribly sad family. The family was only sad, because of the father. The father was a very mad and frustrated man, that needed God and needed more love.
He never showed any love, and he never played Monopoly on Sunday nights.
They never did anything together. In fact, this family pretty much hated each other.
So one night, it just happened to be April Fool's, the husband took his wife out for dinner.
She had been fighting alot lately, and she did not expect this. She thought he wanted to move out or something, but she was happy that he wanted to do something with her.
They went to a wonderful, expensive, incredible restaurant, and the wife had a wonderful time.
Then, the husband unbuttoned his coat, pulled out a rose, and pulled out an envelope.
He stood up, motioned for her to stay seated, and then said, "I love you: April Fools." And walked out.
The wife sat there for over three minutes, just in shock of what had just happened.
She was afraid to open the envelope, but she knew she should.
So, with all courage, she opened the note, and it was divorce papers.
Three days later, this woman died.
The doctors say it was of shock and a broken heart.
But the husband says, "She died 'cuz she was a fool. An April Fool."
And the doctors did not laugh."

Sad story, huh. Yeah, I thought so too. I hope you crack a funny but nice joke if anything, on April Fool's day, and don't let others think of you as the fool. 

Monday, March 29, 2010

I've been thinking...

I've been thinking about changing my blog URL to instead of but wanted to know if any of you readers object, because it is sort of a hassle for you. I am also thinking about changing my email address to, however, none of this will take place until I am at least fifteen.
Questions, comments, rebukes: or comment below.

Come and get me!

We don't ask the devil to 'come and get us'. We don't try him. In fact, we'd like it best if he would just leave us alone. Right?
I'm sorry - that's not how the devil works. The devil (please, I'm not trying to give him glory, but tis true) is a very inventive and highly intelligible being. He can make you think that you're not good enough to serve God simply because you're finger nails are too short.
But we serve a God that's much bigger than the devil. By just announcing Jesus Christ's name, the devil flees. We ought not to invite the devil in so we can fight him off. Doing this only endangers us, because he will use it later against us to try and proove that we wanted him in our life.
The devil is real, folks, and we're not fighting against a ghost. We're fighting spirits. We cannot use modern-day warfare to kill him. We use God's holy Word.

To invite the devil into our lives is like inviting a terrorist into your home - you just don't do it. You don't even think about it. In fact, you stay as far away as possible from it. Terrorists want to kill. The devil wants your soul, which, if he succeeded, would end in you dying spiritually. So what's the difference?
There is none. Stay away from the devil. Rebuke him every chance you get.

James 4:7 says to, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Don't cry because it's over... because it happened.

Sometimes we go through things that don't seem very fair at all. Sometimes the things we are going through seem rough, tainted, or out of sorts to normal life.
But you know what? We need to thank God for the trials. Trials are what make us strong. How would we get strong in the Lord if we didn't have trials? "If you aren't ever in a trial, something's wrong." I remember one misister saying. And that's true. If you aren't in a trial, then the devil isn't testing you, which means he sees no need to test you. And if he sees no need to test you, then he doesn't need your soul. And if he doesn't need your soul, he already has it. And if the devil has your soul, well, that's a whole nother chat.
What I'm trying to say is trials are good for us, even if, when we're in the trial, we can't see the good.

I haven't opened my blog to comments in a long time. I'm doing so on this post. Please, feel free to comment if you have anything to add, any trial that you've overcome, or the like. Or maybe just a scripture. =)


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thinking about an old post...

I've been thinking lately about my recent post, "Delta Don, what's that flower you have on?", and I want to change some things in it.

"Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
Or did I hear you say, you'd be coming by today...
Ah! Not knowing the rest of that song is going to kill me! Thus, life prevails, my heartbeat continues, and I suffer  joyfully continue on.

    Some thing I've been thinking about:

What I want in a man...
1. First and foremost, I want him to be saved & sanctified and completely committed to God no matter what. I honestly don't care about anything else, but he has to be saved and sanctified to God forever. He has to have a will in him to never ever ever EVER give up on God.
2. Second, I want him to be strong. Not strong as in body, although that would be nice, but strong in mind spirit, education, and principles.
3. Honest. It is very important that 'my guy' is completely forward with me.
4. He has to have a good sense of humor. If he can't make me laugh - what will?
5. A relatively good job. (Pay, benefits, etc.) I'm not asking for a $120 dollar-an-hour paying job. I'm asking for a man that is willing to do what it takes to provide for my family.
6. It would be nice if he was not accustomed to, whenever he's bored, sitting at the computer.
7. He has to like Idaho, because I'm not moving. >;oP Of course, we'll see what God wants first.
8. He has to want lots of children, and then some.
9. He has to be okay with me homeschooling the kids.
10. Patient.
11. Respectful.
12. Happy & joyful. (I'm going to confess something: I wanted to add number 12 on here because I'm not always happy, and if he was, then we'd be a perfect match. =)
13. Generous with time, work efforts, and kind words.
14. Doesn't care what I look like. I actually do want him to care what I look like. Not my face, but I don't want him to look at me, think I'm a slob, and want to marry me. =)
15. Is loyal to the end. , to God and to me.
 I just want my courtship correspondent to have a good heart, I don't care what he looks like, how tan his skin is, how many blemishes he has on his face or the scar on his back. I'm not looking for that. I am, however, looking for what his heart looks like, how much spiritual food he's getting, and if he has any spiritual battle scars that he's conquered.

Till next time,

Thursday, March 25, 2010


What we did in Arizona~

Well, I am totally thrilled that we were able to go to Arizona. Although some of you out there probably thought I was being very sober, I ... well, I was. I was just pondering a few things and destracted by some others... =) But that doesn't mean I didn't have a wonderful time! =D I did!
I kind of got my days mingled, so we might have done this that day, or that this day. Forgive me.

Anyway, we drove to our neighbor's house and picked up Kellie, and then drove to Montana and picked up Heather, and then started our way south. We reached Salt Lake City at about 1 AM, and stopped for some hot fudge sundays =P, and then kept going 'till we got to Cameron in Arizona. We stopped there for the night, and then started for the Buckeye. We got to Buckeye around 9:30-10 AM and had brunch with our cousins, Ian, Dawn, David, Jeana, and Jeana's three blessed children. (Ianbuddy, David, Dawn, and Jeana are brother's and sisters.) After playing Blitz and spending practically the whole day there, we left and headed for Glendale, where we would eat dinner. Dinner was wonderul - we had talcos, and Sharron really knows how to make them - let me tell you! We played around and played ping-pong, and then left to go to Leeray's house. (We stayed with Leeray and Sherrie the whole time we were down there.) We got to their house late, and konked out in our rooms. The next morning I really don't remember what happened because I think I got it wrong - I think we got to Cameron, stayed the night, woke up and did something, and then we went to the Mark and Sharron's house, and then the next day we had brunch, and then...
Oh dear.
I have not a clue.
The point is, we had lots of things going, and I couldn't keep it straight. LOL.
Well, we had brunch with cousins, dinner with Mark, Sharron, their boys, Leeray, Sherrie & their family, and then we went to campmeeting somewhere in between all of that.
Oh, did I mention that we saw the grand canyon, zion national park, hiked white tanks, went to sonic, played Volleyball (or more like tried to play volley ball and got hit in the head and had a horrible headache... yeah...)
Well, I guess alls else there really is to say is that I had a wonderful time (alls else lol) and enjoyed the messages and preaching and lessons prayers and songs. (whew!)

My second most unfavoritest part was leaving....
Sharron gave me a sweet, long hug and I started crying... =,(
And then I turned around and my cousin, Ian, was standing there, so I burried myself in a hug from him...
Then I sniffled, stiffened, and left.
Okay, the point of this post?
AH! I had a wonderful time, and I'm totally going next year!!!
~Farmgirl Emily

Monday, March 22, 2010

Thoughts of Arizona

 I had a wonderful time at Arizona. More than wonderful. Unexplainable.
Here's some things I want you to check out: (copy and paste into your search engine).
Okay. Now that we've got that out of our way, let's get started on the trip.

I started this trip out with the thought of meeting new friends, and getting my soul fed.
I left Arizona praying, with a simple tear creasing the line of my jaw, and a burden on my heart.

My mind goes to a song with the lyrics, "I'll be right here waiting for you."
"Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never
How can we say forever
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted, all the times
That I though would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' CrAzY
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance
Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' cRaZy
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
Sometimes we don't understand why God takes things from us, but we have to endure. We have to be stable for those who aren't. For those who give up. We have to be here for those who loose sight. Sometimes it hurts, but have to keep going. Another song comes in my mind, "Friends never say goodbye." That's true only for true friends. True friends, like Jesus, will never just say 'goodbye' and walk away. A true friend will be waiting for you whenever you need him. We need to be a true friend to Jesus. Doesn't he deserve it from us? Doesn't he deserve our true friendship and love?
It makes me so upset when someone up and backslides. Especially if it's someone that you thought never would dream of leaving and forsaking God.
There was a young man I knew that served God with his whole heart, or so people thought, and then just a few weeks back forsook God and backslid. He is only four days younger than I am, so his parents still make him come to church, but when asked if he wants to serve God, he said, "No] [I don't." It breaks my heart to see what could've been such a beautiful soul just dissapear into the Devil's pit. It's not fair for us that love God, but we have to stay strong and determine in our hearts that we will not do that. We have to stay strong.
Sorry about that. I guess I needed to vent. ... Anyway...about the trip.
As you know, we drove down, so I have tons of pictures. I will not be sharing all of them with you, but here are a couple. If you're going to Arizona, you need sunglasses! (Kellie)
 Mist over the mountains. (Montana.)

A great big circularly thingy.
Me at some random stream.
And I superly don't' feel like waiting nine hundred hours to download all these stupid things, so just look at my web album. (Email me if you don't know how to get there. I just don't want some random person looking at me. lol.)

Friday, March 12, 2010


I am sooooo excited! We are going to AZ campmeeting and there is NO WAY under God's beautiful sun that I am sleeping tonight! I keep watching the video of us and the Harneds*. =D
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Okay, I'm happy. Really Happy. AHHHH!!!!
Oh yeah. Yay! I have had 200 people look at my blog!

This much fun shouldn't be allowed...

*Last name of visiting family may have been changed. LOL!!! I had so much fun with the Denrah family last night! My stomach hurt every three minutes, and my cheeks felt permanently glued to a smiling position! =) So the Denrah family came out and had dinner with us, and dad and Dan went to the shop to work on Mr. Denrah’s car, and mom and Mrs. Denrah sat in the living room and talked, and us kids (Matthew, Mandy, Brett, me, Michelle, and Isaac) played Blitz into the deep hours of the night. Ah, this much fun shouldn’t be allowed. =) With Brett cracking up at any and everything, and with his laugh being contagious, everyone (okay, I’ll speak for myself), I was laughing constantly! And not just ‘ha-ha’. Gut-wrenching gasps of laughter.
          Good times. Good times.
          So we played Blitz for around one hour, and then I popped my camera out, and we decided that we would record our funny disposition. We did. Well, sort of. We tried several different settings, and my camera looked too precarious to even think of leaving it there for a whole 80 minutes… so we tried other various places, and when I finally gave up, Brett snatched it out of my hands, and placed it on the wood cook stove overlooking the dining room. I have to say, it worked quite well except we couldn’t see Michelle very well, and Isaac’s head sometimes blocked the view of me or sometimes Brett. But anyway, I was going to make Brett pay for my camera, because I counted it already dead… but it’s fine! What a wonder!
          =) Michelle and I won the first few games, then Mandy and Brett won the next few games, and then the grand finale was Isaac and Matthew. Isaac smirked and yelled, “Blitz!” Funny thing is, everyone stopped and at the exact same time yelled, “WHAT?” It was hilarious.
          And then, since I was sitting beside of Brett, he got a huge kick out of me trying to stay in my own bubble. Meaning? Every time he tried to show me something, got in my face, kidded me, or anything, I would lean back, away from him. Because of this, he would guffaw, and that, of course, made everyone else laugh also.
          Oh, I almost forgot…
          …and then we were waiting for scores, and Brett looked at me.
          Yup, that’s all. He looked at me.
          So I stared at him.
          We’re really bad stare-ers, because it only lasted but a few moments, but it was very daring while it lasted. =D And then, he stated, “Oh … I scare me.” I laughed so hard. I don’t even know why it was funny now. =)
          Mandy and him do really well together as a team, because Mandy’s the ‘git ‘er done’ type, and Brett’s more the ‘goof off’ type. Together, they make a great team.
          I just keep thinking… I have the awesomest friends. Really! I’m so thankful for cool friends, it’s really cool how God has blessed me.

I wish I knew how to put the whole video on here...

Thursday, March 04, 2010

I had a dream last night...

This post was intended for male and female humans about the age of fourteen or older. Please discontinue reading if you are younger, or consult poison control immediately.

True Story

Note: my cousin and my best friend's names have been changed for privacy. All other names are left as they were, true to character, in my dream.

Me, my cousin Kyle, and my best friend, Eden, were walking down the road, when we saw a McDonald's restaurant and decided to cross the highway and get some milkshakes. It was night, probably 10pm, when it happened.
I started to cross the street, when Kyle called out, "WAIT! Em! There's a car coming! Step back!" I turned to look for it, and was hit by a honking Subaru.
The impact was horrible, the bumper capsizing my legs, and throwing me, screaming, into the windshield. I didn't have time to block my face or try and stop myself. The glass erupted, and hundreds - thousands - of chars of glass ripped at my skin. I screamed louder, and my head was struck by something. I groaned, seeing whiteness, but not blacking out yet. The car finally got stopped, and I looked at it, groaning. The face belonging to the man who was inside the car was blocked by an inflated air bag, now loosing the air that saved his life.
Kyle ran to me, and Eden ran to the man, "Are you okay, sir?" She asked. He was crying uncontrollably, and gasping for air, "I ... I think so. My nose is killing me, but that's all that hurts."
Suddenly, another pair of headlights came into view. Kyle yelled to Eden, "Get out of the way!" She jumped back, but it was too late for Kyle to drag me out of the way. The truck ran over my ankles, crushing them, the tires squealing, and headed for the Subaru. It flattened it, and swerved in a complete 360 to finally get stopped. The driver was a teenage boy, his eyes nearly popping out of his head. Eden sat up from the ditch, apparently she had dove into it to save her skin.
I was loosing touch - I could feel it. I grabbed the arm of Kyle's shirt, and managed, "Kyle," he bent to his knees and looked at me, but was far away in a different world, "I can't believe this is happening to me." He was distracted! Couldn't he see I was passing? I tried to squeeze his arm, but all I could do was groan. He looked at me, and pulled out his cell phone, dialing three numbers and holding it up to his ear.
After a minutes or two, he explained, "That was the police. We're going to get you to a hospital." While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the teen boy, who's name was Josh, knelt down beside me and starting sobbing, "I'm so sorry - I'm so sorry - I'm so sorry," while Eden walked up and put an arm around him, joining the little circle around me. Although I knew I should be feeling pain, I couldn't comprehend enough at the moment for my brain to realize that I needed to be hurting.
An ambulance finally drove up, it's siren squealing, along with two police cars, and a fire truck, all with the same sounds. The fire men ran to the man in the Subaru, now probably not alive, and started digging him out. The police started talking to Josh and writing things down on a notepad clipboard, and one EMT guy ran to me, the other in the truck. I was spitting up blood now, and it hurt to breathe. Kyle got right in my face, "Em - stay with me." Everything started going blurry, and I gravitated down to the pavement. The EMT guy pried me out of Kyle's grasp, strapping me to a stretcher, and pushing me inside the Ambulance. I was scared.
Kyle yelled at them, "HEY! Can I come?" The two EMTs looked at each other and then the one the was hooking things up in the truck said, "Stay out of the way, stay by the back of the truck." The other EMT with dark brown hair and blisteringly green eyes agreed, "And help if asked." Kyle hopped in, and Eden hitched a ride with one police car, and the two vehicles started toward (the hospital).
All of the sudden, I started to feel horrible pain. I hadn't noticed it before, but now it was killing me. I cried out in pain, tried to look at Kyle, and then I sank back, and blanked out.
The dark-haired-green-eyed EMT glanced at Kyle with a twinge of concern written on his face. Even his glistening green eyes were doubtful. He set his jaw, gathering useful tools. After checking for a heartbeat, he yelled to, "Bill," his partner, "Not breathing!"
Bill started to gather a machine and hook some things up to various walls, strings hanging here and there. Then the man with green eyes checked my pulse once more, and said, "Get the machine ready."
Bill started up a small computer.
Kyle waited, his heart pounding.
Bill nodded at the man with green eyes, "Jason, it's ready."
"Great." Jason nodded back.
'Jason' put his arm around my neck and pushed me to a sitting position. He then ordered Kyle, "Support her." Kyle stepped in, holding my dead weight up. Jason ripped loose my dress, laid me back down, and attached two strange looking things to my heart area.
It made my arch my stomach, and I gulped air in, coming back. Jason smiled, "We got her!" He was jumpy. Then, I cocked my head, and fell away again. I could hear a faint, "Uh, we lost her! Get it ready again."
       I started to see a tunnel... with a light at the end. I had to reach that light. But something wouldn't let me!
Jason was leaning over me, screaming in my face, "Emily! Stay with me! Stay with me!" Bill handed him two odd looking round things with chords attached, "STAND BACK!" They said in unison to no one in particular, as if a ritual, and my body bolted with energy from being shocked.
       Something was pulling me! I tried to reach out and grab the light.
"She's trying to come to! She's pulling at the air!" Exclaimed Jason.
       I didn't want to go back! I had to stay!
"Here she comes! Here she comes..." Jason was intent on keeping me alive this time, and he immediately started talking to me, "Hey! My name's Jason. What's yours?" Jason knew my name, he was just trying to get me to talk because I was so out of it, "Emily." I muttered, trying to get back to the light.
"Emily," Kyle jumped in, "Please! Stay with us." Kyle grabbed my arm like he was just about to arm wrestle with me, "Emily. God put you on this earth for a reason. Stay with us." I looked into his deep brown eyes, trying to find a reason to live now that I've found the light, "Please." He said once more. I relaxed, breathing hard. (Anyone would after just being shocked.)
I kept my heartbeat up, but inside I felt like going back to the light. I started crying, the pain was too much for me to handle. Jason whispered, "It's okay - it's going to be okay."

Then I woke up, and saw a light in my dresser. (Directly in front of my bed.) My heart started beating really loudly, I could hear it like a hammer in my ears, and then I heard nothing. No heart beat.
"Oh God!" I thought, "Not yet, please not yet!"

Then I woke up, and took a huge gulp of air, my forehead slightly wet, and my back sticking to my favorite baggy t-shirt I sleep in. A dream within a dream. All I know now, is that God has a plan for my life. I don't know what it is, but He has a will.


Delta Don... what's that flower you have on?

Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
Or did I hear you say, you'd be coming by today...
Ah! Not knowing the rest of that song is going to kill me! Thus, life prevails, my heartbeat continues, and I suffer on.

    Some thing I've been thinking about:

What I want in a man...
1. First and foremost, I want him to be saved & sanctified and completely committed to God no matter what.
2. Second, I want him to be strong. Not strong as in body, although that would be nice, but strong in mind spirit, education, and principles.
3. Honest. It is very important that 'my guy' is completely forward with me.
4. He has to have a good sense of humor. If he can't make me laugh - what will?
5. A relatively good job. (Pay, benefits, etc.) I'm not asking for a $120 dollar-an-hour paying job. I'm asking for a man that is willing to do what it takes to provide for my family.
6. It would be nice if he was not accustomed to, whenever he's bored, sitting at the computer.
7. He has to like Idaho, because I'm not moving. >=oP
8. He has to want lots of children, and then some.
9. He has to be okay with me homeschooling the kids.
10. Patient.
11. Respectful.
12. Happy & joyful.
13. Generous with time, work efforts, and kind words.
14. Doesn't care what I look like.
15. Is loyal to the end.
 I just want my courtship correspondent to have a good heart, I don't care what he looks like, how tan his skin is, how many blemishes he has on his face or the scar on his back. I'm not looking for that. I am, however, looking for what his heart looks like, how much spiritual food he's getting, and if he has any battle scars that he's conquered.

Till next time,

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

A Quote Post

"And I will love him and hug him and call him George."

"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone." — Harriet Beecher Stowe

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying." — Oscar Wilde

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." --- Doctor Seuss

 "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." --- Mark Twain

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." --- Dr. Seuss


"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
— Eleanor Roosevelt
"David? Don't let anyone ever tell you that you're second rate, under par, inferior. You just kicked a 49 yard field goal, and the longest you've ever kicked was 31 yards. What's impossible with God, David?"
"Nothing, coach."
"Are you sure? 'Cause those giants are big."
"I'm sure."
---Facing the Giants 

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
— Mark Twain
"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
— C.S. Lewis
"Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. 'Pooh?' he whispered.
'Yes, Piglet?'
'Nothing,' said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand. 'I just wanted to be sure of you.'"
— A.A.Milne Winnie-the-Pooh 

"It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter."
— Marlene Dietrich
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."
—  Donna Roberts
"A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling. "
— Arthur Brisbane

I think that's enough for today, okay?
Check back later, I'll put some new ones on a different, new post. 
Alrighty then!
~Farmer's Daughter, Emily 

Monday, March 01, 2010

Pictures -

Here's some pictures I found.
Meagan is sooo cute!
and this is (left to right) my sister, Janna, and (Heather?)
and this is (left to right), Amber, Kaitlyn (I don't know how it's spelled, I just spelled it that way cause i have another friend's name spelled that way, my sister, mandy, and Kimberly. In the background is Don and her father. They are at the Church of God in Arizona. =) Pretty neat.

A whole lots of rappin' up for January and February

Thanks, everybody! I've now successfully had 100 people look at my blog! I really really enjoy my blog, and I'm totally going to continue it!

Maid for a week is what you can call me if you want! I'm on FULL KITCHEN DUTY for a whole week and a day. . .=S We'll see how that goes, right? =D Actually, this is my first night, and it went very well. I made a pasta- Macaroni noodles, with two cream of mushroom soup cans, and some other stuff, like chicken and bread crums. It was really good! I made about double amount - - - oops! So I froze it and we can have it some other rainy day. Anway, I also made this TOTALLY yummy cake - okay. Okay. Calm down. So take a normal White cake mix with sprinkles, and put about a cup and a half or two cups of frozen or fresh (better is frozen) raspberries in it, and mix. (Make the normal cake mix... as normal.) Put it in the oven for the time set and six extra minutes. Yum yum!

I am also free to say that we are driving to Arizona campmeeting! Horray! I'm so excited! A friend of our, Heather, is riding with us, and another family might come with us. We are sooo excited! Hey - join the wagon train. Come along with us if you want to!!! SERIOUSLY!!! Call my mom - Kathy - or me, Emily, or email me at if you want more info. Campmeeting is just another name for 'church camp', but its not really a church camp, its more of a campmeeting. =D See, we have as many people as possible from other Church of God congregations come, and all the pastors of those church preach at a week long (or half-week long) meeting. It's like an old tent revival in the olden days! (It's not, however, like the penecostals do it.) The dates are March 16th through the 21st. We are leaving the 13th and leaving from there the 20th. Oh yeah - bring on the preaching!!!

That warm, fuzzy feeling... You know the one. It's like wood heat - or camping - or laying out under the stars with your best friend on a warm summer night - or a puppy's breath - or love. That's how I feel right now. I don't know why. I feel like I could touch the moon and kiss the sky, or hug the clouds and fly through air. *Sigh*. What a wonderful feeling.

lol... so we were at the dinner table tonight enjoying my totally scrumpoius meal, when dad randomly goes, (Okay Okay - you have to read this right. So get this fat, dumb charactor in your mind, and read slowly and kind of stupidly.) "I will love him and I will hug him and I will call him George."  TOTALLY RANDOMLY!!! It was really funny.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Youth Meeting

Goodness gracious, I had a wonderful time at... well, my house last night.
We had Brett, Christopher, Micah, Matthew, Matthew, (and...) Matthew, Mandy, Michelle, (me!!), Richard, Lori, Barbara & her husband, Peppy's parents (kind of sad I don't know their first names), Kathy, Rocky, and Isaac, Ross, Sheila, Kellie (I finally got it right!), Ellen, Lilly, Clara, Tilda, and I think that's all... over last night from 6 till 1 am.!!!
I had tons of fun, I think it was the best one yet! Actually, I take that back, because four people were missing. Alex, Pam, Mike, and Tasha.
But we still had a lot of fun. And Brett even drank a suspicious white liquid and didn't dissapear! That's probably because he had his short little septor (with a cord) close by. Oh, but I forgot, he isn't a king, just a really smart - oh. Sorry. You have absolutely no idea what I am talking about.
Haha! Maybe you do!

Okay, sorry. So we played pictionary, the Noridahoscholer* way. Well, gotta go. But not before...
One word (or phrase) I think of when I think of them...
Alex - Veggie Tales!
Aubrey - "Some of my projects include goals like revolutionizing online commerce, catalyzing digital information dissemination, and providing the world with tools to make computers more friendly, productive, and useful."
Barbara - pleasant
Barbara's husband - kind
Brett - contagious laugh!
Christopher - instrumental
Clara - what do you have in your mouth!!!?
Ellen - always laughing (Ellen: that's a good thing by the way)
Isaac - interesting
Kathy - homemade bread
Kellie - scotland
Lilly - talkative
Lori - my blessed pastor's wife
Mandy - Jazira!!
Matthew C - sturdy
Matthew A - dirtbikes!
Matthew H - respectful
Micah - john deer!
Michelle - sweet
Mike - (I don't really know Mike... =))
Pam - a lot of endurance
Peppy's father - (I don't really know Mr. A)
Peppy's mother - how will that shall turn out i wonder?
Richard - humble, willing
Rocky - my daddy
Ross - honest
Sheila - little house on the prairie
Tasha - best friend
Tilda - cute!

*North Idaho Home Schooler Way

Bye now.
Bye for now.
For now, bye.

A song...

This song is very true...
I edited it, so if you've heard this song, it might be different. =)

There's a moment in time
And it's stuck in my mind
Way back, when we were just kids
Cause your eyes told the tale
Of a musical scale
I knew that somebody sang
Oh, waves of time
Seem to wash away
The scenes of our songs
But for you this song never ends
Can you stay strong?
Can you go on?
Kristy are you doing okay?
A rose that won't bloom
Winter's kept you
Don't waste your whole life trying
To get back what was taken away
Oh, clouds of time
Seem to rain on a
Innocent frame of mind
And it never goes away
Can you stay strong?
Can you go on?
Kristy are you doing okay?
A rose that won't bloom
Winter's kept you
Don't waste your whole life trying
To get back what was taken away
Mary Jo could care less
Oh yeah she's way obsessed
I knew that something was wrong
And I should have spoke out
And I'm so sorry now
I just didn't know how
Just a slip of the tongue

Can you stay strong?
Can you go on?
Kristy are you doing okay?
A rose that won't bloom
Winter's kept you
Don't waste your whole life trying
To get back what was taken away

You're probably wondering what in the world this song is about.
It's about a girl who is watching her friend, Kristy. Kristy and this girl are best friends. (This girl is singing the song.) Kristy wrote a song for 'the girl', and 'the girl' forgot it, but Kristy didn't. Kristy could never forget it. Then it changes, and Kristy gets cancer, and so 'the girl' sings, "Can you stay strong, can you go on? Kristy are you doing okay?" Then the docs say she won't make it... "A rose that's won't bloom, winter's kept you," Then her hair fell out, "Don't waste your whole life trying to get back what was taken away." And Mary Jo is a girl who was teasing her about her baldness. The 'slip of the tongue' is about how Mary Jo was teasing her and she really probably didn't mean it.
So that's that!