Saturday, October 31, 2009

PHOTOS - Sandpoint Bulldogs (Highschool Football)

I've been begging dad for weeks this summer to, when football season comes, take me to a game. (Not professional... that is too boring. They know exactly what to do...) So, this week my dad had to go to LaGrande, OR (something to do with his work) and he told me, "You remind me Thursday night, and I'll take you to a football game Friday." I was overjoyed! So when he returned Thursday (He left Monday) from his trip, I reminded him. And guess what? He said, "How could I forget?!" Evidently he looked the times up on the net, and away we went! So... we went up to Sandpoint, and crossed the Long Bridge, and it was way cool. You could see the lights from the lake, and everything. Anyway, we ate dinner, then at 7 we went around in circles trying to find a parking spot. (It was the first of the playoffs, so it was packed.) The people I thought were really good players were 83, 24, 11, and 14. Especially 14. (Ben Fisher, senior running back.) He can run really fast, even though he's little! (Well, 5'9''/165.) I mean, he out-ran the his whole team and Lakeland! Here's a picture...
He's the guy on the far right. (They were running so fast it's blurry...)
The Bulldogs won 50-12. (Sorry to cousin who I told the scores were 50-6, I was wrong.) Here are some more pictures.

The highlight of my night? Was when a guy on the Hawk's team got hurt (I know... sad) anyway, he got hurt, and the whole Sandpoint team backed off and knelt down. I thought that was cool cause I've never seen that done before.

P.S. if you want the whole story (like the plays and points), click here to go to the Bonner County Daily Bee (Newspaper).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

SONG - Oh Church of God!

I love this song!!! It's by Charles Naylor.

The church of God one body is,
One Spirit dwells within;
And all her members are redeemed,
And triumph over sin.

O church of God!
I love thy courts,
Thou mother of the free;
Thou blessed home of all the saved,
I dwell content in thee.

Divinely built,
divinely ruled,
To God she doth submit;
His will her love,
His truth her guide,
Her path is glory-lit.

O church of God!
I love thy courts,
Thou mother of the free;
Thou blessed home of all the saved,
I dwell content in thee.

God sets her members each in place,
According to His will—Apostles, prophets, teachers, all,
His purpose to fulfill.

O church of God!
I love thy courts,
Thou mother of the free;
Thou blessed home of all the saved,
I dwell content in thee.

Salvation is her holy walls,
The cross her sign of pow’r;
Her captain is the mighty God,
Who guards her every hour.

O church of God!
I love thy courts,
Thou mother of the free;
Thou blessed home of all the saved,
I dwell content in thee.

Stand in thy beauty, church of God,
With righteousness arrayed;
Put on thy strength and face thy foes
With courage undismayed.

O church of God!
I love thy courts,
Thou mother of the free;
Thou blessed home of all the saved,
I dwell content in thee.

SONG - Because He Loves Me

By Charles Naylor, 1917 The music to this hymn is beautiful!

When the storm winds rage, and the rain falls fast, And the clouds hang low above,
I shall be secure till the storm is past, For I trust my Savior’s love;
And He knows the way, and He holds my hand, And He will not let it go;
He will lead me home to that better land, Just because He loves me so.

It was not that I was so good or great, For my heart was vile with sin;

I had turned my back on the narrow gate, Neither care nor lived for Him,
But I pleased myself, and I chose my way, For His grace I did not know;
But He sought me still through the night and day, Just because He loved me so.

If He loved me so when I grieved Him sore, That He sought me tenderly,

Till He won my heart, and my sins He bore, So that I His child might be,
Will He love me less since I love Him, too, So my heart with fervor glows?
And I haste each day all His will to doThat my willing spirit knows.

I will trust His love, for it e’er will last, It is rich and warm and free;

Through the years of life it will hold me fast, And my help and comfort be;
To my waiting heart all its treasures rare As a sparkling stream shall flow;
In the joy of God I shall ever share,Just because He loves me so.